When you’re close to taking Sydney as a final VC, u’ll find yourself producing over 90 IPC’s hehe… The trick with the US is to destroy Japan’s Navy piece by piece. This allows Hawaii and Sydney to be safe from a Japanese invasion wich denies them victory. U’ll find that the caroline islands are also very important. This gives a 1-turn passage into mainland China where you can almost land anywhere and create a gap in that japanese front (or, even better, if the japanese player built an IC, to take it away :)), and please land before India is captured.
Poll: Do you play to the Last Stand ?
When the Allies control the sea zone off Japan, do you make them fight the last battle , or do you just surrender ?
In this stage, Japan might still get a lot of income from the mainland, and can buy 10 units in Japan every turn, while the Allies might be short on trannies, and need to chuck-chuck infantry from factories far away. The last battle for Japan might just take several turns. But to meet the victory condition, you must capture Japan and hold it for one more Turn. So do you do it ?
it takes for ever for the allies to finish off japan, dont have the time, however epic the battle would be.
My son and I have a great game going on now and he has ALL of China and a fleet including 3 A/C’s all filled up with a BB, Cruiser and tanks and inf all over Japan.
He’s got a factory in China and tons of tanks and inf headed for India.I’ve got some strenght in india and Malaya. I hold all the Dutch colonies and just stole Formosa. Just sunk his BB, cruiser sub and destroyer and 4 transports off China. I have a huge fleet in the Aleutians 4 a/c’s, 2 BB’s, destroyers, 4 fighters, 4 tac’s and subs are surrounding the Japanes waters. Still have the Phillipines. But knowing my son he is going to make me invade Japan!!!
He still has all his kamikazee’s and I am afraid as soon as next turn whne I drop that fleet on him he will take it out, but I’ve got 2 more BB’s off California and more a/c’s to follow!
No, we dont fight it out to the end conditions. There’s a reason that the A-bomb was dropped… ;p
No, we dont fight it out to the end conditions. There’s a reason that the A-bomb was dropped… ;p
They got bored? ;-)
If Japan is losing we never play it out. Japan does have to conquer 6 VC to win, but sometimes when Japan has 5 VC and has just crushed the largest US fleet, or something, we also end the game. Rather start a new one then spend another hour (or two) playing the game out with an obvious winner.
If I am Japan and not captured, the allies will meet victory conditions before I give up. If I an ally fighting Japan and she wants to surrender, I am fine with that.
After a few more games, I start thinking that maybe the Allies too could use a 6 VC victory condition. When Japan only got Shanghai and Tokyo left, it is not likely they will rise again, but they still can place 10 units in Japan each turn, scramble fighters, mass the fleet and also got 6 kamikaze’s, making the final battle taking forever and ever, because the Allies need to build up over several turns.
Don’t the allies start with 6 VC? Honolulu, Sydney, Hongkong, Manila, Delhi and San Francisco.
That will be a fast game. :-)
Maybe 7 VC, so they’ll have to take Shanghai. -
Allies need to take Japan!
Never surrender.
we usually play until we see the writing on the wall…basically…the game goes while Japan has a chance to capture the six victory cities…when it looks like they cant do that…the game is pretty much done and we reset…
In both games we took Japan and the 6 VCs. But if its not gonna happen we have like a super battle go down and get all the transports and planes and have it fight all of Japans stuff for the heck of it even though the Allies won.
Has anyone EVER gone the whole way and took Japan (without the Japanese player not realising you are in range and not doing anything to stop you.)
As Japan you can just pull back all you fighters and tacks along with building tosns of inf. And use kamakarzis, and the allied player could take like 5 turns.
Usually We stop the game when one side outproduces the other by a certain margin (depending also on the number of pieces on board).
Usually depends on how tired me and friend are and what time it is whether or not we play to the bitter end.
I say never surrender!!!
Even if it looks hopeless.Keep in mind that in this game after the allies take Japan, that the game is not officially over. Japan gets to try and recapture Tokyo in its next turn (of course it won’t have any $). The allies may have used all their resources to take Japan and lost most of their fleet due to scramble. The allied 2 hit ships won’t be repaired. As said before Japan can drop a ton of inf w/some air support on the Island, so the allied invasion force could also be very weak. Obviously Japan would have to have a secondary force steaming back home, but its possible. In a nut shell both sides could be decimated, and it would be back to square one. The US should have the upper hand due to income, but it would be several rounds before it could mount another attack, giving Japan time to reclaim some tt.
I know its a long shot, but I have seen powers come back from the dead in other AA games. Granted those games normally have allies to bail them out. It would be like a huge 4th come back in football. You wouldn’t want to be the person that walked out of the stadium at 1/2 time.