How nice. They look very straightforwardly, I guess they are great help to make the game run more streamlined.
Oh how refreshing, an alternate point of view.
sweet they had a map like this on larrys site too!
What’s with the map?
Oztea, great map. It’s semi-official or just a thought on the possible map?
It only has one fail: western Sahara was a Spanish colony that time, not french, so it should be pro-axis neutral. Same goes for northern Morocco, but that one would be irrelevant for gaming purposes
the map is my edit of a previous map i found on A&
it is conjecture, and open to suggestion…it is what i hope to see combined with most of what is already known (3 territory france, 3 territory germany, 2 territory UK) -
Oh a bold prediction.
What’s with the map?
BD, oztea started this post with a Euro map, he has just updated it. It gives us some idea of what to expect as we get more details. I think its cool that he tweaks it along the way as he gets more feed back.
Keep in mind that it is all speculation, I wonder when we will get a look at the actual Euro map. It probably won’t be til spring next year, a few months after the release of AA40P.
I wounder if you will be allowed movement on the northwestern coast of Africa. The Sahara goes to the coast in most AA games of recent, and is impassable. Would give new meaning to an IC in Brazil. You would be able to get troops into North Africa quicker w/ a safer route.
West Sahara must be Spanish (pro-axis neutral), maybe even with a shiny red and yellow roundel on it if you ask me … if you attack Franco or make him join the axis, it would be cool seeing how that front develops …
a few fixes
Wow that map looks great, especially with the roundnels added it. My one criticism however is that the French and Italian roundnels are way too close in looks. Hopefully that will change so that they wouldn’t look so similar in the actual game.
i was going to draw a facies (spelling?) but i opted for what larry had used, even if its ahistorical
I understand your reasoning, but I hope Larry isn’t planning for the two roundnels to be so similar, especially with so many bordering territories of theirs. Its not like its a Japanese roundnel and an Italian one :-P
Well its not like italy and france are going to be taking that many territories!!!
Hahaha! that is a joke you see!
Where are the convoy boxes?
It looks great. I like that america is broken up into more territories. Its a new change
I think i need to do IPCs before convoy boxes
and I think larry said convoy boxes have changed, not a sea zone within a sea zone, just a sea zone that deprives IPCs to another, like the WHOLE seazone is linked to a land territory.We will see, but thats how I will be doing it
Sounds good. Can’t wait to see your IPC values
Yeah I’m excited to see how that turns out
I will be excited to see the real map some day as well