Reason why Canada needs no bigger military power :
USA being our ally would not let any country invade us (Why would a country invade Canada in the first place?)
If Canada is going to be invaded, only one person can do it, and its the USA. And some more billions$ into conventional weapons are not going to prevent an US invention
Your logic that we need weapon to defend ourselves is flawed. If someone barge in your house and want to kill you, I doubt you will have the time to wake up from your surprise, go grab your gun (that is well hidden in a safety spot, away from children) and kill the murderer that is sitting in your sofa, eating your pizza.
You don’t make peace through superior weapons. You make it by discussing with others. Hopefully, Obama sees this. Bush didn’t.
You know, eventually, if we continue going the weapon route, some countries like China, India will get superior military power. They are over 1 billion. Their economy is going up daily. They will surpass USA economically. They will, if they want (and I hope not) surpass USA militarily eventually. Not today, not tomorrow. In years maybe. You guys are way ahead of them right now. Although I hope they do not chosoe that path for the sake of our world