Sorry guys, need to rebump this……
Cant seem to find a National Production Chart to use. Imp Leaders great map doesn’t contain one and they are printed on the actual game boards for E40 and P40.
Thank you in advance
It might not be appropriate to post this message here, maybe it should go in the “other variants”, but if the guy who made these relief tiles is reading this message, or if you have his email, could you send a pm.
The TripleA developers wants to use them in the TripleA package, and they need a permission.
I uploaded the relieftiles here:
It was downscaled/converted from ILs AA50 map.
AA50 in TripleA looks much better with these relief tiles than the simple TripleA map.
I created those tiles and yes, of course. That’s why I created them after all. Now if only the developers can work out their recent legal woes with Hasbro.