The evolution-creation debate is only dead in your mind. The debate is very much alive. Until evolutionists are able to show some actual evidence for evolution and define evolution in a way that can actually be tested, it is not proven. At this point evolution is more of a dogma.
It is alive in America, dead in europe.
Second: you want proof for evolution all the time, at the same time you deny proof for creation….
Evolution as you correctly state, says that natural selection and mutations add information.
Did Fin mention “add information”? Doesn’t sound like him at all.
Biblical creation states that natural selection and mutations result in either a loss of information or no change in information present.
Which means that the most complex organism had to be existing from the start? Or how can they appear later?
In all of the research that has been done with population genetics, there is not instance noted that a mutation has created new genetic information. I would appreciate it if you could provide a source which contradicts this.
multi-resistant bacteriae
Before I agree on micro-evolution, we must first agree on the definition. Micro-evolution is really only variation within a species. It is not the addition of new information. It is the re-arrangement or loss of existing genetic information. All the examples that evolutions provide as proofs for evolution are really only examples of these variations (moths, finches, dogs, flies, bacteria, etc.). That being said, yes micro-evoultion does occur. However, there is no evidence available that shows macro-evolution is possible. If evolution is defined as the creation of new genetic information (which it must), in a sense, the term micro-evolution is really a misnomer.
I can agree with the above. But: re-arrangement of genetic material can lead to a gain in “information”. That is simple statistics.
I do not agree on your “evolution is defined as the creation of new genetic information”… in an older post you said:
Natural selection as defined by Darwin is not the same thing as survival differential and gene frequencies. … The theory of evolution does not use population genetics as a major foundational stone.
If you say that “evolution is about creating new genetic information”, then i say “multi-resistant bacteria are proof of evolution, even if i don’t create a new species i can add information”. If you then say “evolution does not use population genetics” then i ask you how it then can require new genetic information?
Nowhere have I written that natural selection and mutations do not happen. As I have shown you above, evolution requires the addition of new genetic information.
“show” and “claim”/“state”/“define” are two totally unrelated things.
Since natural selection and mutations do not do this, how are these indirect proofs? Micro-evolution does not show evolution. It only shows variation between species. Where are the irrefutable intermediates?
mutations and micro evolutions testibly add new information: you can add the information of “how to survive in a hostile environment” or the likes.
When are you allowed to talk of two different species anyway? Are all bacteriae belonging to the same species?
Something to keep in mind here is that the evidence that evolutionists are trying to use does not speak for itself. It has to be interpreted.
But the bible, the basis for all creationists, does not have to be interpreted?
Evolutionists attempt to interpret the data with a naturalistic, if not atheistic mindset. This in itself puts a bias on any work done. The same data can also be interpreted by a creation scientist in a way that makes logical sense.
At least the evolutionists need to interprete one set of data less (which is the bible of course). Should i mention Occam’s Razor for a change? And why does the interpretation done by creationists not add any bias?
If you accuse one side of being something, you should look wether this counts for the other side as well.
About creation and evolution as such you said:
I think they both stand on the same grounds – interpretation of data through a dogma.
I can agree on that. My dogma is “Science”, yours is “Faith”, so to say. I just hate to mix them up. One has nothing to do with the other. Unfortunately, may people of the “faith”-side claim they are a “fact”-side, and come up with things they call “science” as well. If they are then proven wrong (conditional sentence), they will usually claim the others missed a point and are “more wrong”.
First of all, I have never used Thermodynamics in any of my arguments. I am still reading into the law(s) and how it relates to the evolution-creation debate. F_alk was the one who injected it into this thread.
I apologize for that. But it was done to take out that argument before it would inevitably have come up. Read the other threads about this topic and you will see that it does come up.
What I was trying to get at in the previous post was that it is nearly impossible to state the mechanism of natural selection in a way that is science.
How i understood you:
Well, you don’t accept micro-genetics to add information, you define “micro-genetics” by “inside one species” and"new information is created" by “a new species appears” (or something close to that, that’s how i understood you anyway), therefore you do not allow the mechanisms of micro-genetics to play a role in evolution. Above you even denied that evolution is about genetics at all.
That i disagree with that should be obvious.