Which would have been a better Ally to Germany?

  • Don’t forget the muslim country as Iran, Iraq, Egypt.
    The british troops stopped the rebellion just in time.

    In 1941, on the eastern front, people of Ukraine, Lithuania, Caucasus and Estonia have welcomed the German soldiers as liberators.
    If Hitler had understood the situation he would have probably won the war.

  • Umm, the people of Cairo were scared that Italy would take Egypt.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Umm, the people of Cairo were scared that Italy would take Egypt.

    Italy’s Italy
    Germany’s Germany

  • @ABWorsham:


    Definitely Spain.

    They could have taken Gibraltar and defended against the Normandy invasion so Germany could have concentrated on Russia as Turkey would not have been much help.

    Well said.

    Its no fun fighting a war on your doorstep and the Turks would of had that issue the moment they declared war on the Soviets. If the tide turned against the Turks they would of been too worried about protecting their own territory to truly go on the offensive and be of any great consequence. As for the Spanish taking Gibraltar would given the Axis control over the Western Mediterranean and would of made taking Malta a much more easy affair. Also it would of cut off Britain from an easy route to India and Australia, perhaps even causing a nationalist revolution in India. The Afrika corp would of been a much more effective fighting force also as the supply convoys from southern Italy and Sicily wouldnt be continually harassed by RAF fighters flying out of Malta.

    Perhaps Spanish soldiers doing most of the occupation and defence duties in France would of freed up enough German troops to of win the war on the Eastern Front. Although that would of left Spain open to invasion also and the allies may very well of taken advantage of that especially if Gibraltar was up for grabs.

  • _Umm, the people of Cairo were scared that Italy would take Egypt. _
    Yes the British citizen and other allies citizen was scared but not the muslim or egyptian.
    There was anti-british current in egypt same as in Iran,Iraq and India.

  • Turkey definently would had helped Hitler capture the oil fields they desperately needed.

  • I chose Spain. They would of helped if not prevented D-day and operation torch.
    Witch both opened up another front, splitting Germany forces.

  • Even if Germany got both Turkey and Spain as allies, it wouldn’t be enough to win the war unless Germany chose another strategy after invading Poland.

  • Turkey because of the dardenneles and think of WWI Gallopali the allies failed at taking it.

  • Spain. Spain was near North Africa and could quickly transport troops. And once the allies took France, Spain could attack from the south and Germany from the east. The allies would have been knocked out of the western front.

  • On a pure physical basis, Turkey. Better access to resources and Russia.

    On a fighting status basis, Spain. Their soldiers were definitely superior to Italian troops, and were battle hardened from the Civil War. Read up on the Spanish Blue Division in WWII - extremely tough soldiers on the Eastern Front.

    That being said, I would have taken Turkey. Spain is just too big to defend. Although it’s troops would have been a nice addition in Africa.

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