I think the issue with this is there aren’t really a lot of “pitched battles” in the Revolution. I think this would need to be more on the lines of the AH “Battlecry” or DOW’s “Memoir '44” based on the commands and colors “engine.”
The latest in American intelligence . . .
I guess some people can’t seem to take a joke? :roll:
They would never attack Canada. Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth and NATO would be forced to help Canada, and America wont like that very much.
Has this forum simply become lets attack every country we don’t like? At least with Iraq there was legitimate reason (maybe controversial but at least holding some bearing). Now it’s attack China, attack Canada, attack Russia, what’s next, invade Madagascar?
invade Madagascar?
Those Bastards! They could have sub-Nuclear weapons in 54 months!
its all so CRAZY!!!
They would never attack Canada. Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth and NATO would be forced to help Canada, and America wont like that very much.
that doesnt mean we cant :P
looks like we never should have stopped fearing an invasion from the south after the Great War.
heh… just leave Canada alone… they have enough of their own problems to worry about.
looks like we never should have stopped fearing an invasion from the south after the Great War.
wow a smart canadian
First, Moses, whoever said anything about attacking Russia?
Second, who said that we want to attack. This is just what we believe will happen, and we are voyeur parties.
Third, the U.S. Seventh Fleet is larger than the entire British navy. NATO is an excuse for the U.S. to have troops in Europe. What is it going to do to the U.S.?
Fourth, when Canada inevitably becomes a semi-autonomous territory of the U.S., it will probably be more like when Hitler took over Austria than Poland. We won’t even have to fire a shot.
Fifth, is it so crazy to imangine the Stars and Stripes flying over Canada, Austrailia, New Zealeand, Japan, the U.K.? :D
Fourth, when Canada inevitably becomes a semi-autonomous territory of the U.S., it will probably be more like when Hitler took over Austria than Poland. We won’t even have to fire a shot.
Fifth, is it so crazy to imangine the Stars and Stripes flying over Canada, Austrailia, New Zealeand, Japan, the U.K.?
one word- :evil: (opps that isnt exactly a word, oh well)
Resistance of the inevitable is futile
First, Moses, whoever said anything about attacking Russia?
Second, who said that we want to attack. This is just what we believe will happen, and we are voyeur parties.
Third, the U.S. Seventh Fleet is larger than the entire British navy. NATO is an excuse for the U.S. to have troops in Europe. What is it going to do to the U.S.?
Fourth, when Canada inevitably becomes a semi-autonomous territory of the U.S., it will probably be more like when Hitler took over Austria than Poland. We won’t even have to fire a shot.
Fifth, is it so crazy to imangine the Stars and Stripes flying over Canada, Austrailia, New Zealeand, Japan, the U.K.? :D
LOL. I’d love to see the Untied States try to handle another FLQ, but this one not just for Quebec but rather in all of Canada. Also, America had the advantage in 1812 but still lost, what makes you think that it will succeed this time? Besides, the US needs Canada for NORAD. I could just those nuclear missiles being fired south instead of north. Bye bye Wahsington, L.A., New York. You’re about to learn what’s it’s like to livei nthe North Korean wasteland.
Also, America had the advantage in 1812 but still lost, what makes you think that it will succeed this time?
they where agnsit the brits not the Canadians
Also, America had the advantage in 1812 but still lost, what makes you think that it will succeed this time?
they where agnsit the brits not the Canadians
General Brock was Canadian and don’t forget that the Natives living in Canada helped too. Canada even took Michigan state from the Americans.
EmuGod, are you on crack?
Canada could not stand up to the world’s most powerful military.
Besides. most of your population is within a couple hours of the border. If we advanced up into Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec, we would control most of the Canadian population.
Its true we fought Canadians in the war of 1812. Remeber, Britian owned Canada. Canadians supplemented the British forces.
Canadians have always been good at taking bullets for the British.
someone’s anglin’ for a scrap . . . .
Canada is hopelessly weak-kneed and introverted, worse than useless as a military ally
Canada is not living up to its obligations in terms of defence, peacekeeping and the so-called war on terror
“And yet you have this notion that somehow you’re in a position to be lecturing the United States … You can’t just be in the peanut gallery shooting spitballs.”
Definetely True.
So what’s the problem here people? I’m not advocating for attacking Canada (it’d be a waste of our gasoline for the tanks :wink:). Other than the author’s opinion on attacking Canada, where is he wrong? Canada is simply a little child haning onto the ankle of their parent, the United States. When is Canada going to grow up and start acting responsible?
(ducks…as CC throws heavy object at me… :wink:)
I guess some people can’t seem to take a joke? :roll:
How would the average US american react if this joke was played on them?