• What about British S Africa, Jap Brazil?
    what about AA guns?
    They are not as expensive but still limited supply and annoying for people who use inf/fighter push

  • A Japan IC in Brazil would be good if they can take it…might be tricky though (the US is 1 turn away). I usually only buy AA guns to defend my newly purchased iC’s from Strat. Bomb runs.

  • An IC in South Africa is almoust completely useless in my opinion. It’s too far from most of the fighting in Afica to make much of a difference.
    If the British are defeated in Egypt and the Germans still have some transports then you probably can’t produce enough infantry in time to stop the Germans from taking the continent.
    If the British can remove the german transports then Africa is basicly theirs and they’ll be stuck with an ineffective IC far removed from anything.

  • South Africa for Brits and Japs is good. Why? Easily defended, good location, 2 economy.

    Brazil - Hard for Japan to take, but if it can hold it, it can be a game winner.

    India - Good for British

    Australia - good if the Japaneese dont have any transports within range, it can develope as a good way to distract them.

    Sinkang - good for America

    Yakut - I’ve seen some good Japaneese first strategies with an IC in Yakut

    Soviet Far east - See Yakut

    Syria - Another one of my secrets, beware Syria!

    Egypt - Good for agreesive allied play

    Western Europe - If well used, it can be a game winner, or a game loser if captured

    Switz - Good for Japan

    finland norway - Another one of my secret strategies, beware Finland Norway!

    I think thats all

  • can you please explain to me how Japan is supposed to get an industrail complex in switzerland.

  • Easy, take a few turns and bring a transport with an infantry over there. Put an IC there, build an infantry per turn, in a long game this could add 40 infantry to the German Defense.

  • isn’t there a possibility that there may be allied subs or ships or aircraft that could take out the transport.

  • there is also a small possibility that the allies who attempted to take it out could get hit by the lone transport. lone tranny hits often happen in games I play
    good idea (i think it was yanny)
    if it doesn’t work it is only an 11 ipc loss
    I was thinking about aa guns
    they only cost 5 ipcs each and if you have one in a territory, then the opponent might hesitate to attack with planes, which is good. But if they ignore it and attack with planes anyway there is a chance that you could shoot down a 12-15 ipc unit before it gets to shoot at you.
    also two (and one half) questions-how many aa guns can occupy a transport(and if it can hold two aa guns, can you put one inf and one aa gun?) Also can two aa guns occupy the same place?(that territory would still only get one shot per plane, I think)
    Thanks for the switz IC idea, i’ll have to try that sometime.
    Lastly if Japs invade Brazil, would they go right in (from the atlantic) or through a neutral country (from the pacific)?

  • If you do it early in the game, it won’t be high enough on the priority list of the allies to take it out, if they even can.

  • Yanny, when did you add to your quote/signature?
    I like it

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