I kinda thought the attack on pearl was mandatory, otherwise that fleet will bite you in the ass in the atlantic… Just go the easy way with 3 inf and 2 trannies. I assume You put 1-2 inf on man with your bid. Do the standard stuff, take Chi heavily, go after Pearl, with either everything or min forces. Get your forces from the islands and go after Russia. Build your first IC’s on the mainland in turn 3-4 and you should be fine. Let the Germans violate neutrality in Mongo, so in J2 you have a lot of options to cut of the Russians.
Japan: a industrial complex in manchuria?
I think there is one time when building an IC on turn 1 is a good move for Japan.
If the allies are going all out on Germany and ignoring Japan completely. By this I mean that the U.K. withdraws from India to Egypt, then I think that Japan should buy an IC and a transport, and place the IC in Kwangtung. There is are enough infantry on the surrounding islands to max out 3 transports for turn 2. The Japanese airforce is sent to Europe to bolster the German defenses, and is replaced offensively with tanks from Kwangtung.
I think there is one time when building an IC on turn 1 is a good move for Japan.
If the allies are going all out on Germany and ignoring Japan completely. By this I mean that the U.K. withdraws from India to Egypt, then I think that Japan should buy an IC and a transport, and place the IC in Kwangtung. There is are enough infantry on the surrounding islands to max out 3 transports for turn 2. The Japanese airforce is sent to Europe to bolster the German defenses, and is replaced offensively with tanks from Kwangtung.
I agree with your overall strategy of being even more aggressive in that instance, and sending your fighters to Germany and replacing them with tanks is an excellent point and something you will have to do sooner or later anyway. But tactically it will still be more effective if you wait until about turn 3 to buy a factory. Germany can hold out on its own for several turns - you don’t want to send the Japanese fighters too early (i.e. before they are really needed) or they will just be a wasted resource. And if the UK withdraws from India to Africa then you have less of a need of early tanks.
Another important strategy for Japan along those lines - send your Japanese bomber to Germany as soon as possible so that the Allies can’t split up their fleet!
The only time I will build an IC in Manchuria is if I know USA is going for a all navy, Japan first strategy. But if you want to build an IC, do it at India or Burma.
I never place ICs within transport range of Japan; I consider it a bit of a waste. The only time I really buy one is to place in former Soviet territories (or India occationally), as it can be a frustratingly slow task to get infantry from the caost all the way to the front lines.
I never place ICs within transport range of Japan; I consider it a bit of a waste. The only time I really buy one is to place in former Soviet territories (or India occationally), as it can be a frustratingly slow task to get infantry from the caost all the way to the front lines.
that is a really good point
your signature is dope to
the system rocks!“Budge” Kennedy
get china of the map then put a ic on machurina then take india, now you can consentrate on east russia (note:nice start on alaska if you have east russia out of your way!) evenchuly attaking moscow!
I never place ICs within transport range of Japan; I consider it a bit of a waste. The only time I really buy one is to place in former Soviet territories (or India occationally), as it can be a frustratingly slow task to get infantry from the caost all the way to the front lines.
Ah, but the main point of a factory is not to reduce the travel time of infantry - it’s to produce tanks on the mainland because they can’t be transported as efficiently. A factory producing 3 tanks is doing the equivilent work of transporting 6 infantry. Also, building factories in former Soviet territories is a bad idea - you can only build 2 units per turn instead of 3. That one extra tank on the mainland every turn really adds up.
I find massive amounts of tanks rather unnecessary. I can usually do with buying perhaps 4-6 tanks for the entire game as Japan. With adequate air support (which is very abundant as Japan) and knowing when to retreat these tanks will stay with me the entire game; it’s large numbers of infantry fast that I’m usually more concerned over.
I like to have an IC on India and one on Indo-China if things turn out well for me as Japan. It allows me to send 6 tanks to Novosibirsk and surrounding territories during each turn.
heye GeZE
i too am from victoria, bc.
what is your story, maybe we could hook up for a game sometime.