• do you think 9/11 is over rated?
    I do. and its not because i’m not from the states

  • Overated as in? Sorry, I don’t put a rating on human lives - no matter what country they’re from.

  • No, I don’t think it’s overrated in regards to the loss of human life.
    You’re correct.

  • I’m having trouble with the question.
    As TG says “in terms of what”?
    Is it overrated in terms of the ceremony, level of remembrance, retaliation, homage, sadness, or importance ascribed the events of 9/11? (i’m assuming you don’t mean the emergency number).
    I would have to say yes, no, maybe, no, no, no.
    Remember, many consider what happened on 9/11 to be an act of war as well as the destruction of thousands of lives. I think that if a nation or organization took out the parliament buildings or Bay Street 10 years ago, we’d still be recognizing it, etc.

  • Mostly by the US Liberal news media. And a few extremists.
    Not by others I know.

    Eleanor Roosevelt said, “It is not a holiday. It’s a day to work(and we all know what America was working for.)” (The New York Times, Dec. 8, 1942. Commenting on comemoration ceremonies Dec. 7 1942.)

    I agree with Eleanor.

    Laura Bush said, “Turn off the tv and read a book to your child.”(All US news networks and major papers reported this the week before Sept. 11, 2002. Commenting on parents plans to deal with their children on 9/11/02.)

    It depends. My favorite answer. It depends on the children’s age, maturity level, questions, and attention span to name a few things. Though, I would definitely recommend more fun on that day than serious focus.

  • I think we just see the pictures of the WTC being hit, or falling, too much. Let those pictures rest, we should be watching something more positive.

  • Fox News Network:

    "Now here’s a shot of the second plane hitting the Twin Towers in slow-mo! Pay close attention! :) "

    “Now for different viewing angles! :D”

    I agree with Yanny, pictures like those need to be put to rest. :-?

  • That’s what I said, but I included 9/11/2002 coverage. - Xi

  • I ment there pouring billoions of dollars and other reasorces towards it but does anyone remember the Indian earthquke that killed about a 18,000 more then 9/11, what about that 15,000 people die of homocide each year in the US and 15,000 that die of suside and 15,000 that die of falling of buildings,are you pouring mlnoey into that, are you giving money to those victoms familts, what about car crashs, what about AIDS millions of people die of aids. :evil:

  • Don’t forget the 1.5 million babies that are aborted…

  • I’m for abortion because I think they arent humans until there born.

  • Here we go again……

  • @Mr:

    Here we go again……

    please ignore the abortion remark and keep to the 9/11 topic

  • @GeZe:


    Here we go again……

    please ignore the abortion remark and keep to the 9/11 topic


  • @Mr:



    Here we go again……

    please ignore the abortion remark and keep to the 9/11 topic


    well I did’nt want them to start on abortion…

  • I ment there pouring billoions of dollars and other reasorces towards it but does anyone remember the Indian earthquke that killed about a 18,000 more then 9/11, what about that 15,000 people die of homocide each year in the US and 15,000 that die of suside and 15,000 that die of falling of buildings,are you pouring mlnoey into that, are you giving money to those victoms familts, what about car crashs, what about AIDS millions of people die of aids.

    And you don’t think American peace Voluntaries contributed to that? Already billions are used to try and prevent homocide and suicide (less of the latter). Do you have have any idea how much America spends on AIDs research. Do you know the material cost of 9/11 (both in the buildings and the economic depression that follow)? Perhaps 9/11 is overated (again, I asked you for what you based this on), but the tradegy would be if it was underated. :o

  • I don’t believe you can place a natural disaster on the same level as a terrorist attack. Diseases go the same way. Homicides and suicides are outside the scope of this discussion as well. I believe lots of money is put into medical research, crime prevention, and all types of therapy. Be serious, any country will hi-light any disaster at the hands of humans or natural. Feelings obviously still run high here in the US. I’m sure in 60 years most Americans will view 9/11 as most do now refering to Pearl Harbor…

  • FM nailed it.

    GZ, why don’t you delete your abortion posts? It might help.

    The US has spent hundreds of thousands per EACH AIDS VICTIM because of the fear and rantings of the gay community.

    But, the US has not even spent ten thousand per cancer death. Many more have died of cancer.

  • @Xi:

    FM nailed it.

    GZ, why don’t you delete your abortion posts? It might help.

    The US has spent hundreds of thousands per EACH AIDS VICTIM because of the fear and rantings of the gay community.

    But, the US has not even spent ten thousand per cancer death. Many more have died of cancer.

    Call me biased, however i’m also surprised at the outrage of certain women’s groups over the perceived lack of money directed at women’s health issues (they typically cite breast cancer as top of these). They of course ignore the fact that cardiovascular disease claim many MANY more lives than breast cancer (more than AIDS and CA together from what i remember). Also is it just me, or have their been fewer terrorist attacks on animal research facilities since the proliferation of AIDS?
    just more rantings . . . .
    and yes FM, you’re right. CV diseases kills more than 6 000 000 people annually, but we will (hopefully) always remain aware of the history of the holocaust.
    (yes, this is the crypt)

  • I’m talkin’ 'bout the last 20 years! Cancer wins over AIDS!

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