Underway on board USS Providence SSN 719. We had just LEFT the gulf to make our way home….we were already in need of repairs after 5 months of being deployed and had just made critical repairs to our electric plant. It was about 2100 when every officer got called to the wardroom (we were at PD). About an hour later while I was on watch finishing up some samples, we got told over the 1MC about the reports and the little info that was given to us. Immediately this ship was on blackout comms back and forth, so the wife didn’t hear from me for two months. We immedieatly turned around, flanked back, put two fish in the tubes, loaded up two tomahawks in the tubes, and found a welcoming committee waiting for us not knowing if they were friend or foe yet…it took about a week for them to denounce the attacks, but we didn’t know going in to that…Like to say after almost of a month of waiting, the ship launched every tomahawk we could at those fraking a-holes…we wanted to reload at Diego Garcia, but they said home is where we belonged…didn’t help that our Seawater systems were becoming fouled like a mofo after sitting off the coast for a month.
Providence would then be called to do the same its next deployment against Iraq. This time she did reload. :evil: