I typically try to maintain my Capitol as a balanced city. I then send my free settlers out to a good production area or a good science area to found my next city. Usually a good production city also makes a good choke point to protect your capitol and I try to get something built in those spots quickly.
As soon as I set my Capitol, I focus on population growth for a bit, so I can create new cities as soon as possible. I miss out being first on the early techs but within a dozen turns or so you surge ahead. I also try to hit all the barbarians and settlements to get early cash and buy out my early buildings or units. I love the Aztecs for this when you start with just a settler because I buy my first warrior first turn and gather a lot of gold through barbarians, netting me my free settler with reaching 100 gold. And I love having a buffer city for my Capitol, but I have been attacked by sea before.
I know what you mean about Atlantis. I typically try to find a path that quickly gets me to Navigation for the free Galleon and the jump on locating Atlantis. If you find it later you get a bunch of the free advanced techs but I’m finding in this game that NOW is preferable to later in nearly all things.
Speed is definitely the key to this game. Balance too, but I just turned the difficulty to Deity and have found that the additional pressure creates a lot of necessary strategizing. :)
Do you flip cities with great people when offered the chance? I have been.
I usually go for the long term gain, but this very action has saved my butt in the most recent Deity game. I had an early lead, then the Romans colonized EVERYWHERE near me, so I had no space. But my culture was high, so I attracted a bunch of Great People. I flipped 1 city nearest me that I was planning on taking down militarily, which was a huge help. It was also nice that we weren’t at war and that the action doesn’t trigger it. My high culture eventually flipped the next 3 cities as my empire creeped out. Now I have 1 city buffer of the Romans, still at peace, with the French attacking through them at me. The French got an early empire lead with the biggest city and some wonders, but they are only sending hoards of legions (I’m talking like 20 armies, lol) because their tech sucks while I’m defending with riflemen. The Romans were about to surge ahead after the got behind colonizing so much, so flipping their cities kept them from becoming the biggest empire and attacking me. So it was VERY helpful.
God of War II was alright. I played it without having played the first one. For me it is a terribly difficult game for some reason. After you play thru you get some challenge scenarios that are timed. I haven’t beaten the first one yet – to get a Cyclops eye in something like 48 seconds. Great looking game though.
I played the first one and it was pretty entertaining. Had some fair replay value, but I was done with it. I’d love to finish the second just for continuity’s sake, but dunno if I’ll get a chance.
I still need to finish FF XII. :lol: