@Panther it is still live. I’ll get a new link up
Retreated your unit and 2nd move of my double move.
Went with the center attack…
If Infantry retreats in the open, it must do so to the Reserve area.
Do you wish to Stand instead?
Doh, you’re right, sorry. :oops:
I have unretreated myself - attached - and must stand.
First blood!
Supported attack.
FYI, I’ll be gone a week on vaca. I had hoped to knock out one more turn but I’m wiped from packing. I’ll pick this up next week.
Mot -
Cool, have a great vacation!
Before vacation I recall there was a reason I didnt want to Pass, but I dont know what it is now…so PASS!
C15 - Supported Attack
Hmmm, looks like it my turn. Sorry for the delay!
No prob and no advance for me - back over to you for your turn.
Here’s my rather strange C16.