Something new coming to Combat Miniatures:
C24 Pass.
Sorry for the delay, had to go out of towm for a family emergency. I’ll try to get back on track soon.
No prob, hope everything works out alright.
We’re going out of town tomorrow, so I probably won’t get back to any gaming until next week.
Take care,
Time for me to take my lumps…Pass
C25ab and C25ab resolved.
Hope I resolved it right - let me know if I made a mistake.
You did it fine, I didn’t have a lot choices…more guns was not the answer :evil:
Nothing exciting…
hope you had a happy haloween!
We did, thanks. The kids designed their first jack-o-lantern face (and I got to cut out the first one for them), and see it lit up in the dark.
Very cool. Haloween is a great holiday for the kids. Jack-o-lanterns are fun, please I like the seeds roasted :-D
FYI, massive computer issues lately. I’ll resume as soon as possible
No prob, take your time, and start having a good holidaze season while your at it! 8-)
Looks like I had already made a move in the map file and didn’t post it…
That Cav will Stand.
Cav cannot stand VS a supported attack (i think)
Doh! I see what you mean, buuuut I was looking by another section of the rules - last paragraph of the section on retreat. It talks about the chain reaction of a cav retreat, then says:
" If any unit in this chain cannot meet its RETREAT restrictions then the original Cavalry unit must STAND."
So since the art cannot retreat I thought the original cav stands. I have no idea whether this takes precedence or if what you’re referring to does. Let me know what you think.
I had to double-check, but…
Artillery units may only RETREAT if supporting an attack, if forced back by retreating friendly Cavalry, or if defending in a forest square. Artillery units RETREAT using the same procedure as Infantry, including RETREATS from a forest square into another forest square. An Artillery unit that RETREATS may not move, attack or support in the turn immediately following its RETREAT.