I’ve always been happy with this forum. I did try to get into Gleeminimum the other day and hit road block after road block just trying to login, register, blah blah blah. Run away while you can people and join in over here.
Cheese move
Yep, that’s true. Of course, you can replace the hero in your example with any soldier and that true. The Hero does change that scenario.
I dont write the rules, I just memorize them :-D
Mateo, point taken about the half-tracks.
my world is falling apart. 2 + 2 = 5. Black is white. People are dying in zebra crossings everywhere. The gate is up. Everything spinning. Gamer has agreed with me.
Mateo, point taken about the half-tracks.
my world is falling apart. 2 + 2 = 5. Black is white. People are dying in zebra crossings everywhere. The gate is up. Everything spinning. Gamer has agreed with me.
Yes, but I still think flamers are underpriced. They should be 5.5 points. :-P
I vote to kick Gamer off the island.
I think Flamers shold have a negative special ability,
Explosive Death Any units in the same hex with a Flamer that is detroyed rolls six dice to see if it died in the firey blaze when the flamer was hit.
I think having the Flamer be Def 3/3 would help a bit. I know I wouldnt want to get shot at while carrying flamable material on my back!
those all sound reasonable, but then it should cost 4.5 points. Of course, the fiery death should apply to ANY soldiers i(probably not vehicles) in the same hex, friend and foe