No doubt it will create new jobs, but at the rate of those found unemployed? Probably not. Always, what type of entry levels are available for entry level jobs in alternative energies? What degrees are required? What training?
Usually, inventing any new technology first leads to a decline in the number of jobs, with a later rise. Wether the rise can make up the previous loss is something you can’t fortell. So, your argument is valid for any new technology: the steam engine, the car, the computer, anything….
For the training and the degrees: well, you will need engineers and technicians just as you need engineers and technicians for any power plant, they will need different areas of expertise maybe. You will need office staff like you need office staff for any other company.
But to produce all the wind mills etc. you need to build/assemble them, and then install them. These jobs that come with going for the new
technology are jobs that you won’t get when you stick to the old one.
How much spin-off happens, i can’t tell.
Unfortunately, what you state is only a possibility. It would be nicer if one would necessarily lead to the otehr, e.g. once you have enough to eat, you necessarily start to worry about the environment. Sadly, that’s not the case.
Tell me, do you have enough to eat? Do you worry about the environment? If it is not the case then, not enough to eat = more care for the environment? … Certainly I would be more to inclined to help someone else if I didn’t have to worry about myself. …
What i was saying:
We have
Enough to eat =may=> more care for environment.
I would love to see
Enough to eat =does=> more care for environment
Just as you said: you would be “more inclined”, which doesn’t say you necessarily would.
But – but, we’re the Ecological Axis of Evil! You owe it to us to show us “The Way” and make everything perfect.
You are the allmighty, allknowing, wise, superior to everyone, god’s own country, land of the free superpower….
you lead, we follow…
2.3 % of the electrical power was wind produced in 2001.
So germany produces more than 5 times more wind energy than the US.
Only 2.3%? What about the remaining 97.7%? Only 5 times more wind energy than the US? Come on, you can do better than this. Afterall, we’re the Ecological Axis of Evil!
The rest are coal, oil, nuclear, gas, water, sun…… mostly the first 4 though.
How much area does the US have, how many ppl?
If you calculate the “per capita” or “per square km”, then it would start to look impressive :)…
And i never said that we don’t have to go forward. 8% renewable energy is nice, but by far not enough. And it doesn’t hurt.