Nice that you give only half the info. I read the same / a similar article. The hole is much smaller this year, than the last years, true. But the explanation is that it is due to temperature changes (if i remember correctly).
Ah, yes, temperature! That argument has already been lost in a previous string.
We surely have totally different sources there, and i don’t trust yours as far as i can reach with my arms tied behind my back.
The ozone layer and the CO2 to first order have nothing to do with each other. I will not discuss that further, as we won’t “listen to each other”… sorry, lacking a better expression.
When there’s an obvious need for change someone (or the evil Automobile and Oil Industries who have perpetrated the ‘Buy Up All the Alternatives’ ploy will step forward with the solution. The Profit Factor will out!
i hope it will not be too late then.
As well: it is extremely funny to see these lines of argument by anti-environmentalists
Thank you for showing your presumptive nature, again!
I am a skeptical environmentalist,
not an envirowacko like some. - Xi
I was not refering to you there, feel free to feel offended, but it wasn’t you i meant.