I played a game AA Europe with the Guadalcanal type combat and movement system. I also added some other house rules my small group usually plays with. This is how I did it.
Inf Cost 3IPC Air-0 Power Land-1(2-Defending) Sea-0
Art. Cost 4IPC Air-1(Doesn’t Matter how many still 1) Land-2 Sea-0
Armor Cost 5IPC Air-0 Land-3 Sea-0
Anti-Air Guns-5IPC Air-2(Doesn’t Matter how many still 2)
Fighter Cost 10IPC Air-2 Sea-1 Land-1
Bomber Cost 15IPC Air-1 Sea-2 Land-2
Transport Cost 8IPC Air-0 Sea-0 Land-0
Sub Cost 8IPC Air-0 Sea-1 Land-0(Sneak Attack)
Destroyer 10IPC Air-1 Sea-1 Land-0(Detect Subs on 2 or Lower)
Cruiser 14IPC Air-1 Sea-2 Land-1
Carrier 16IPC Air-1 Sea-0 Land-0
Battleship 24IPC Air-1 Sea-3 Land-2
Some of the other thinks I changed was only the battleship would take two hits like regular A&A. The combat was also changed some too. On the battlebox it goes Inf, Inf, Armor, Armor, Art, Art. Anti- Air guns are not captured and only destroyed if attacked with no other units defending it. Hits are only scored on a 1. Battles take place for up to 3 rounds. You may choose to retreat before each round of battle but armor and fighters get a parting shot of 1 Power each. Armor may attack a territory 1 space away and if all units where destroyed it may blitz to another space to attack. Battles can end with both sides occupying the same space. If so, no one gets the IPC from that territory.
Units are produced up to the limit of IPCs of territory like A&A Revised. Russia starts off with a factory in Siberia and the Caucasus to represent the factories moved away behind the front lines.
The UK can place 1 unit a turn in Egypt to represent Commonwealth troops. All the oil territores’s IPC goes to the UK except Iran which goes to Russia. Theses territores are treated the same as all the others. Canada’s 3IPC and the 5IPC convoy next to it must be spent in Canada to represent Canadian troops and equipment that had to be trained and built there and brought to Europe. If the United Kingdom is invaded Canada can still build troops.
The sequence of turns is the same as Guadalcanal except for these changes. You unload troops from transports then you move Infantry and Artillery already on land. Finally you move Armor last.
Strategic bombing occurs after the bomber has survived any flack and protecting fighters as normal Guadalcanal rules. You then may roll 1 die of damage.
The first round Russia may not move any of it’s forces to simulate the surprise of the invasion. Of course the Russians do defend with what they have in any territory attacked. Also the United States can not move the first turn because it is not yet at war with the Axis. They may spend 10IPC to build the first turn though.
The maxium anti-air power on land is 3 power. That would be a Anti-Air Guns for 2 power and Artillery 1 power. More than one of these in a territory does not increase it over 3.
The Allies go first for the first 2 rounds to simulate the initiative the Axis still had at this point in the war. After this the opposing sides roll a die to determine who goes first for the next 4 rounds. Then after this the Allies get plus 1 to their dice roll. In Guadalcanal it is advantageous to go second and it is as well in this game. I see it like breaking the other sides codes or surprising an unready opponent.
For the Cruiser pieces I of course used the Guadalcanal American piece for the U.S. I use the MB battleship for the UK and Axis Cruisers.
The only think I do for a separate Italy is use light grey MB German pieces for any units in Italy and for some of the units in North Africa. Then any pieces a build in Rome are made light grey. You may want to have Italy a completely player but, this what I did.
The units in Tunisia I also moved to Libya.
I believe this works pretty well. There still might be some kinks to work out. If anyone has any comments or tries this out and has feedback that would be awesome.
Long post…