@black_elk Rock On !!!.png
Global War(Free Map) + Rules
Well done Death for finishing this project, now to only find someone to play it with……
Shame you couldn’t play it using a program such as abattlemap. -
I don’t mean to be picky, but being a proud Australian was there any reason why Victoria was left off the South Eastern tip of Australia
( And the island State of Tasmania for that matter. ) -
Hey I am from Australia too!
With game maps, often not every state or country are represented explicitly. Territories are just regions.
Though it happens territories on the Australian continent all use Australian state names and Victoria is left out.To be highly accurate you would have to use a real map.
So far I’ve only seen two Axis and Allies maps that used real maps.(Dagon81, 2007) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=10532.0
(swinters, 2002) http://www.basesproduced.com/aaa.html -
Um sorry, wasn’t trying to forget anyone. :oops: I can try to draw in Tasmania but would be near impossible without the original file from Positronica. Plus it would probably look stupid with the way I draw.
What you see is not the finished Product BTW
My first post to the site…
Went through this and the previous thread on this project.
Some great work by Deaths Head…thanks for picking up the torch!
Is there an ETA on when the final map/set up charts etc. will be available for download?
Dying to playtest during Xmas break…
OK Sorry about the Lost time on this one.
My group has been doing Extensive Playtesting with this map, We are learning as we go, and I am Happy to say that it is all done!!!
The only prob is I need to pick up some disks to save this file to so I can share it with all of you.
tell us your findings in your last playtestings!
The two Biggest Changes we have found to be the best Fit.
Weaken Germany starting land force a little bit while increasing their Starting Wage,
Germany got a few Additional Sea Units.
Otherwise if Germany really wanted to focus 110% on russia, game will be over before the Allies ever get rolling.
Someone had Suggested a Factory in Romania, We put one there. Romania was one of Germany’s Biggest Contributers as far as Men and Material go.Russia, Gave them a few extra Men at the start,they need them, add 2-3 Aditional Factories on top of their 3 already.
These 2 changes alone make for a better game.
Other things
China, originally we played that china could only build men. and the US could replace it’s fighter for them.
We decided that china could build 1 tank every other round. and men Only
and of course the US could pay for their fighter. During the US Buy Phase they would Give China the $10 ipcs. China could only spend that $10 on a fighter. and the fighter counted against build limit.Italy, we gave them another BB to start with and a couple extra units in Italy. Other wise they are to Sluggish going
UK- They start with 4 Factories already so we gave them a 4th one in S. Africa
UK doesn’t lose Afrika as easily now
we also Pumped up UK’s Navy a tad.Japan, Nothing needs to be done here. Many people are going, what? at this point.
Japan Has a real struggle on her hands, 3 different enemies in her back yard.The sea Zones and their convoy zones and Anchors are coherient, or make sense.
The Addition of the Sahara makes Fighting in Afrika a sticky situation at times.
All countries Navies gained a few Units.
we restricted amerika in a way.PLEASE, PLEASE, very important.
While playing the game it is Much more Dynamic if you USe these rules from AAP and AAEAircraft vs Sub
Aircraft may not shoot at subs unless a friendly destroyer is present.
Use the C.A.P and Interceptor rules also. -
Another thing, we started to lean to the idea that IC’s could only produce = to their land space value. this also included capitol spaces.
that was another good reason for the IC expansion.
I can get the map to down load but it will not save anywhere…disk, desktop, computer? Any help? I have a bunch of friends who want to play this!
Thanks -
I have a good idea to make big maps.
Copy the image into publisher and in settings choose overlapping and you will get a pretty fine result.
Finally laminate it with the transperant material you cover around books.kind regards niels
Does anyone have the setup charts for the latest version of this map?
The last set I have are from the original Positronica version of the map, which has gone through many revisions.
Any info would be much appreciated…
Check New thread,
Game completed