It may be the best ME military, but it still doesn’t compare to Israel’s. And Israel isn’t exactly playing Tic Tac Toe themselves…
Iran does not need a better conventaional military to mess with Isreal, all they need is their strong conventiaonl military to give them credibilty along with their unconvential allies in lebanon and the gaza strip. Right now Iran is wooping Isreal, and Isreal is now forced to play tic-tac-toe because the whole world (especailly UN) hates them (unjustably I might add). Isreal has its hand tied behind its back and is completly unable to deal with the Iranian supported elements on its borders and in its own country. If Isreal causes any colatoral damage, even if it is to a structure that its enemies are using as shields firing missles from, the whole world gets on their back like their the Mongol Horde. The UN is such a dispicable, evil orgnaization, for letting Hezabollah as well as Iranian backed forces in the gaza strip routinly use UN outposts as shileds as they fire rockets and mortars; and they have the nerve to complain about Isreal hitting these same outposts!
Didnt you listen to that British officer’s speech at the UN I linked?
If the world dosnt treat Isreal better, that country is just going to stop caring and start dropping some seriously big bombs.