Question is, how small scale can you get a fusion reactor down to? Small enough for an Aircraft Carrier? A Sub? Maybe a future Cruise Ship?
Relative to size of a nuclear reactor. However, you have to be careful that fusion does not use up more energy than it gives off. Of course this topic is about “Providing Power to the Masses” and not “How can we use alternative energy to power our Weapons of War,” so I’m assuming that this point is irrelevant.
they need to fuel a fusion reaction is hydrogen and oxogen, now where can you find both of these together in a neat little package…. WATER!! you can actully extract enough Detireum (an isotope of hydrogen) from water to produce the same amount of electricity as 30,000 gallons of gasoline for about 34 cents. and the only thing left over from a fusion reaction is hellium gas.
Well not exactly. To find Detireum you still need to extract it from sea. The other component is tritium, which can be taken from lithium. Also the left over waste, it isn’t exactly safe, as it is still radioactive from it activated materials and will take 50-100 years before it can be cleared from regulatory control or recycled.