• Yet another variant: Jennifer’s 2 IPC left to Japan to build 4tra. Existing tra lands in Buryat so ends in sz60.
    Then 5tra in sz60 (and without Buryat for landing US bmr ftr) are a solid (?) deterrence against UK des sub. Herd of buffaloes keeping lion at distance ?

    Pearl: btl des car bmb 2ftr
    Buryat: 3inf 1tnk 3ftr
    China: 5inf 1arty 1ftr

    But 6 IPC for Japan of the 9 bid is already much… still GE 1inf in Libya is useful.

  • Not attacking China J1???
    Are you serious?

  • @Lucifer:

    Not attacking China J1???
    Are you serious?

    “Dead” serious.  lawl.  Let me say by experience, though, 4 inf 1 fighter is a lot nastier than 2 inf; if you CAN whack out China, you usually do.

    Newpaintbrush: It’s impossible to “kill ALL the UK navy” when it’s a lot of scattered ships, often standing it the way of cleaning actions.

    Well, assuming you have UK car/destr at one place and UK trns at another, Japan can take the southwestern Jap battleship, carrier, and two fighters, and kill the UK car/destr, and still do Pearl with btl, destr, carrier, 3 fig, 1 bomber, while still hitting China on J1 with 7 inf 1 fig.  I mean, yeah, it IS situational, not something you want to try every game.  But you can still whack out a lot of UK and US Pacific navy at the same time.

    Note that I usually prefer to take Jap sub/destr/bomber/4-5 fighters to Pearl, unite the Jap carriers and Jap battleship at Solomons, and leave battleship east of Japan.

  • I hope discussions like this will build over time an Encyclopedia of A&A Long Openings… if Chess has the Sicilian analyzed to 16-18 moves, then why not A&A at least 1-2 turns (x5 countries, with moves in parallel and dice) ?
    The important part being the veteran’s compared experiences on how worthy some continuation positions are.

    Newpaintbrush: I still think you answer a different ‘picture’ than the worst case that started this thread !

    J cannot use southern fleet (btl car) against both UK des+car for they are scattered: car blocks off Indochina, des (that sunk J tra) off Kwantung and unreachable. Cannot use southern J car to send more fighters to Pearl because transport blocks it, and Solomon sub threatens it.
    OK, UK car off Indochina is sunk by southern btl+car. Mandatory to keep Persian ftr out of Pacific action.
    Yes, 3 ftr can go to Pearl (2 on the northern carrier, 1 lands back on Wake).
    Where does the initial J transport survive ? with Buryat untaken, sz60 is a dead sea for weak forces, even for big 5tra convoy against US bmb ftr then UK des sub. Unless Japan diverts planes or fleet to take them out. Impossible all !

    And it can get even worse… what if UK bomber adds to threats everywhere (say from Yakut) ?

  • Personally, if UK succeds with every UK1 attack in Pac, I would kill the UK units before attempting pearl.
    Maybe pearl light, but US dont have any ground units which can occupy any TT’s, UK trans would be my priority nr.1.
    The UK sub is no big threat, the most important is to do the most damage J1. by J2-J3 and further, Jap should not spread to thin ofc, but the J1 attacks are really important. To have Russia take Manch, US take either Fic, Kwang or Manch is bad, UK should not be allowed to take Fic, but UK might take back India for 1 rnd, only.
    Jap is so strong in the beginning, and only bad dice can f…k  up a good Jap start, except poor judgement that is…

  • @Magister:

    I hope discussions like this will build over time an Encyclopedia of A&A Long Openings… if Chess has the Sicilian analyzed to 16-18 moves, then why not A&A at least 1-2 turns (x5 countries, with moves in parallel and dice) ?
    The important part being the veteran’s compared experiences on how worthy some continuation positions are.

    Newpaintbrush: I still think you answer a different ‘picture’ than the worst case that started this thread !

    Yeah.  What we need is a TripleA .tsvg (preferably version 9_0_2).  Actually, forget that.  Screenshots.  YEAH BABY, SCREENSHOTS!  (note that TripleA froodmod gives screenshots)

    J cannot use southern fleet (btl car) against both UK des+car for they are scattered: car blocks off Indochina, des (that sunk J tra) off Kwantung and unreachable. Cannot use southern J car to send more fighters to Pearl because transport blocks it, and Solomon sub threatens it.

    Well, I ain’t lookin at a board, but I’m sure that isn’t right, at least on the count of fighters to Pearl.  You can declare intent to move carrier during combat when you move the fighters, and use the Jap battleship to whack out the blocking transport.  Also, in the OP, I think you mentioned UK fighter to Anglo-Egypt to land in India, but I don’t think the fighter can fly that far.  Apples and oranges.  Wat is going on?!  I’m so confuzed.

    OK, UK car off Indochina is sunk by southern btl+car. Mandatory to keep Persian ftr out of Pacific action.

    Oh, so it WAS a Persian fighter.  Or was it?  dun dun dun

    Yes, 3 ftr can go to Pearl (2 on the northern carrier, 1 lands back on Wake).
    Where does the initial J transport survive ? with Buryat untaken, sz60 is a dead sea for weak forces, even for big 5tra convoy against US bmb ftr then UK des sub. Unless Japan diverts planes or fleet to take them out. Impossible all !

    Yeah, I definitely had a different picture in mind.

    And it can get even worse… what if UK bomber adds to threats everywhere (say from Yakut) ?

    Well, shoot, didntchoo just say you wanted to use the OP?  Because you know, the OP had that UK bomber flying to Africa, not landing in Yakut.

    o wait . . .
    I knoes wat is happening!!1!one!
    oh noes, it’s teh mysterious “jenforces!”

    they iz like transformers and stuff . . . change a carrier buy into an infantry buy, teleport your units around . . .

    someone should make a variant of A&A wid “jenforces”, it would be kewl.

  • A “Jenforces” National Advantage reserved only for use by Jen.

    I’ll take the Axis with $0, but Jenforces NA…


    (oh, and that was worth a good karma for the laugh, Paint!)

  • Sorry for the confusion. I’ll try to attach the TripleA 0.902 file for the originally discussed position.
    [Damn, no attachment space for files on this forum ? only for Flash, Hyperlinks, FTP links… all mean not putting the file itself. Or is it any option I’ve missed ??]

    The UK bomber is dead (by choice) in Africa, for the fighter to live in Persia.

    The bomber to Yakut is just a worse-case variant for analysis, like all those Russian chess books (1.UK… J.)
    Logically that means no attack in Africa, so I leave to your imaginations better uses for the fighter, transport and troops too. UK fighter landing on US carrier is a classical one. Trying Borneo too.
    But then Germans run amok earlier with the African IPC.

  • @Magister:

    I hope discussions like this will build over time an Encyclopedia of A&A Long Openings… if Chess has the Sicilian analyzed to 16-18 moves, then why not A&A at least 1-2 turns (x5 countries, with moves in parallel and dice) ?
    The important part being the veteran’s compared experiences on how worthy some continuation positions are.

    It is one of the motivations that I have for reading this forum!
    I believe that general moves may be analyzed and evaluated from an high level point of view.
    A&A is not chess so a move it is not good or bad in a determinist sense.
    But also in chess, move are weak or strong but not absolutely winning or losing. It depends by the reaction of the opponent.

    Indeed some of the last threads have not analyzed clear situations, but have been involved in discussion with continuous modification of the picture. Often this is slightly confusing.

  • Generally speaking, if allies let G have afr then in most cases axis win.

    The UK sub and trans in Australia have no place in my overall strat, so might as well use it to weaken Jap a little bit.
    The Borneo attack is a tricky one, 4 ipc is very tempting, and leaving the AC in Philli to block for Jap retake on J1.
    Afr is much more important so one has to look at the map, if G didn’t attack Anglo then Afr is secure, but in most
    cases allies should land in Afr with both US+UK. rnd 1.
    Sometimes, to take 2 inf from Aus+NZ and move the trans to Afr can be a smart move.
    I won’t do this if the sub attack went wrong…

    As Jap I don’t care if UK got NG, I wanna kill those trans, but the 1 ipc is no big deal.
    Landing the India ftr on the US AC is not a good move imo. I use it in Afr, or with DD in sz59, sometimes I land
    that ftr in Bury. The India ftr can land in Cauc together with UK bmr, and 2 ftr from london, (UK1 to WRU) might do a 4 air units
    attack to the G med fleet in UK2/UK3, before axis merge their fleets, this is something I usually hate as allies.
    If all 3 ftrs land in WRU then they’re set for a baltic wipeout UK2, presuming G didn’t buy any naval units in sz5.  :wink:

    To have the US trade Italy and UK trading WE means birdy for allies  :-)

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