1R: Buryat 6inf Kazakh 2ftr …among others
At end of R1, then, Russia’s waving its arms and yelling “HEY ALLIES KJF!”
Not exactly - Russia participated to a quite successful KGF. But it could have become a full KJF if US fleet core were not crushed at Pearl.
But if you send Btl Des Car to Pearl, you risk losing the committed Jap navy units in US counterattack. Far more economical to send Des plus mass air, and land fighters on 2 carriers at the Solomons.
I had Btl Des Car Tra 2Fig surviving at Pearl - more than safe ! Reasons to add the Tra:
- not to have to lose the bomber if US had done 2 hits (either with sub or the extra 1/6 of Car Fig = 7/6) and
- for now had no other safe place except to add to sz61 build (W Japan)
OK with counterattacking Buryat later. My Japs left behind 1inf in Manchuria for Ivan not to take it free, but have to mass so have something to kill later [anything suboptimal about that ?]. Or if supporting with fighters, having them exposed in Buryat too.
I assume you’re talking about the UK sub at Solomon. That lone sub shouldn’t be a problem, particularly if you send the Jap battleship in the South Pacific to join 2 x Jap carriers at Solomons. Sometimes that lone UK sub CAN be a problem if a UK bomber landed in China, but that didn’t happen.
That’s the catch with this “explosion” plan - scattered UK are blocking the passing spots, and the East Indian group (btl car) cannot reach Solomons sz45 over the New Guinean tra, neither Kwantung sz59 over the Indochina sz36 carrier. Maybe you haven’t pictured all the map and threats ? This SW group could either sit, move 1N to Indochina, 1E to N. Guinea, 1NE or 2NE to Carolinas - too far away to assist Pearl. And definitely didn’t want to leave a lone carrier in range of UK sub !
Another reason why I used battleships to attack instead of just sitting to escort: didn’t want to waste their free absorbed hit which is GREAT, beside their firepower. And I think I picked the best targets for that. At Pearl, the destroyer would have died just for nothing instead. And against the Indochina carrier - I wanted it down before the Persian fighter could land on it and form an effective stack, either running SW or threatening around.
I’m now thinking the Right Things were the Plan B:
- Buryat 3inf 1tnk 3ftr (so tra’ ends in sz60 E Japan)
- China 5inf 1art 1ftr. This is where the arty were handy !
- Indochina btl car - kill carrier.
- Pearl btl car des bmb, do exactly 2 hits and retreat west to sz51 Wake. If needed, lose bmb.
- Solomons 2ftr kill sub, land on Wake carrier
- sz60 E Japan build 3tra 2inf.
The US counterattack at Wake can be (if US lost sub, fig and survived Car): btl tra car 2ftr (including Californian ftr). Impracticable for US - I miscounted the US bomber that could hit Hawaii sea and land, but NOT Wake sea (Japanese island), go back and land.
Trouble with this version is - the 4tra in sz60 can be attacked by [EDIT] US Car 2Ftr and later by UK Des, optionally if situation is favorable. This is [EDIT: more than] plenty of risk, and this is what deterred me from this Plan B. Would the US dare to open the way?
Wonder what Japan could have done if R1 landed the 2fig in Buryat too ?
RUS 6inf 2ftr may be defeated by J 3inf 1tnk (Btl) 5ftr 1bmb, but with good chance to lose 1-3 fighters. So it leaves only 1ftr for China (plus the arty). I think Russia would not want such a trade-off, losing their little swap ability in Eurasia.
Wonder what if UK retained their bomber somewhere near the coast ? Then the offensive threat of little scattered UK ships increase dramatically, forcing their sinking or 1-2 big defensive J taskforces (btl car 2tra). BUT that was not possible after Egypt - using 5 moves to reach there, then anywhere landing in range of German bmb+ftr. So with this Egypt plan, it was right to sacrifice the bomber to keep the fighter back to Persia (and so keep the UK carrier as a potential value).
I’ve done plenty of true mistakes later in this game (not like these debatable options), and lost it. Mainly, after the German fleet was trapped and killed in the Med, Germany was heavily cornered by Russian-led Allies (and threatened from south by US), and Japan with not enough deep force to press Russia.
Wonder if this influence sphere separation doesn’t work better than classic KGF UK+US in Baltic ?
UK only troops to Baltic/ Archangel > help Russia,
US to Africa > help Russia, only later, and keep a huge threat on SEU, WEU, Balkans etc. (up to 6-8 transports)