I also think that taking manchuria is a mistake on your first turn. If you take out their infantry (or at least most of them) then you’ll be fairly safe untill you can get some more infantry east to help out the British and US. You could also do this against the germans but I wouldn’t take either eastern europe or ukraine with your tanks as they will more than likly be destroyed by the resulting counter-attack.
You also need to take into account the 2 infantry Japan has in Kwangtung. If you’re lucky you will take manchuria with 2 or 3 infantry and your tank. Japan will come at you with 2 infantry a tank (from the islands) and, more than likly, a portion of his airforce, not to mention the battleship’s support shot. All in all your chances of keeping Manchuria are slim.
[ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2001-12-15 14:01 ]