Disclaimer: This is not ment to offend anyone. This is based on my opinion and objective information I have gathered. I’ve been thinking of this while camping all week. I believe in it, but if you are a firm, blind Christrian, Muslim, or Jew, stop reading now, I don’t want to hear your opinion if your ideals are blinded like this. Post only fair, well thought out, and clean information below. I don’t want to see Blind Faith comments.
God is a facist. This is refering to the Christian, Jewish, and Islaamic “God”, which is beyond a doubt refered to as the same god. This may apply to hundreds of Religions, but for the purposes of this discussion I am just going to talk about this God. I still do not believe this ‘god’ exists, but I will assume he exists for the purposes of this discussion.
Facism: system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship.
I thought up this discussion while listening to others say Grace at a Boy Scout Camp (thats where I was last week, I did not join in for Grace). Supposively, we are all “Servants” of the “Lord”. We all must obey Him. We shall not question Him. He has a strict set of rules for us to follow.
There were many past Facisms. I will only refer to Germany in this discussion.
Hitler and God have a lot alike. Both were loved by their people. Both have an ever present fanatical following. Both rule by force, Hitler with his concentration camps and secret police, God with the ever present threat of Hell, and His fits of anger which result in thousands of deaths.
Hitler’s rule started for one reason and one reason only. Germany was in ruins, suppressed by the Treaty of Versailes, mastered to a near imperialist state by France and England.
Similarly, the Christian Religion took over during Roman rule. The Hebrews (who were supressed in Palestine), looked for a change. They broke out against their Imperialist Romans, and Christianity was born.
Hitler is seen as an evil Man, and I agree with that, because of all he had done. God is not looked upon as bad. Why? Because God won the war. God established His brainwashing system, having Parents create more servants for Him.
When God gets angery, you know. For example, He flooded the entire world, ala Noah’s Ark.
‘God’ has taken many forms. Some say Jesus was his son, some say Muhammad. But God has never showed himself. All these good things that come from Religion actually come from those who work for God. Similar things occured in Nazi Germany, non-Jewish citizens enjoyed a good life until the bombings started.
Absolute obedience is required for both. Hitler punished the disobedient with Death. God punishes them far worse, with eternal Hell. We live in fear of Hell. Germans lived in fear of Hitler.
Now, as an Agnostic, I ask you Christians/Jews/Muslims a question. Why the fuck should I become a Slave to this God?