• This is what I assume, very simply, when I wrote this, about the three religions.

    Jews - Believe in the basic teachings of God. They believe Jesus and Muhammad were just (I don’t know the right word) kinda like Saints. They are waiting for the true Messiah

    Christians - Believe Jesus was the Messiah and believe in the teachings of Christ.

    Muslims - Believe in the teaching and songs of Muhammad, their Messiah.

    Mike, I know your a Facist, but I believe Facism is a bad thing.

  • nope my friend it isnt. communism is a bad thing

  • o oops " u beleive facism is a bad thing" i thought u were trien to preach to me facism is a bad thing. well every one has there opinion :)

  • Log in dammit )

    I am not going to preach anything to you. But I will tell you God is a Facist.

  • Yanny, your logic is too simplistic. I mean here is an example of your logic….I am smart. Einstein was smart. I must be as smart as Einstein. Yes, there is the threat of Hell but God is merciful and offers the chance for one to change his or her actions and conduct. So a ‘bad’ person isn’t necessarily destined to Hell. He or she has the opportuntiy to change. I’m sure Hitler gave that chance to Rommel and etc.

  • You don’t understand, I think God is much worse than Hitler.

    Hell is the ultimate punishment. You cannot argue that. You get to hell by disobeying God’s will. You don’t get to Hell by being “bad”. Our idea of “bad” is influenced by God. Compare the 10 commandments and the seven sins to our laws and morals.

    God has inspired fanatical followers. These followers were brainwashed from birth to follow and serve their God. The Hitler Youth went under a similar program. Hitler might even be considered a God today if he won the war.

  • Actually, Yanny, your whole basis for the Jewish religion is completely rong. Jews don’t consider Jesus and Mohammed like Saints. They belive they existed historically, but are believed to have been false prophets. Also, Muslims don’t worship Mohammed. They consider him the final prophet that laid out new rules from God. It is the same as how the Jews don’t worship Moses, they simply believe he was a prophet that helped lead with the will of God.

    About your idea of the 10 commandments, are they really commandments or not? In Hebrew they are called “Asseret Hadibrot” which means “The 10 Statements”. They aren’t caled commandments. There are whole arguements in Judaism about whether they are commandments or not. That is part of the process of the Jewish religion. Questioning even the msot basic beliefs and answering those questions.

    There are fanatics, but there are fanatics for everything. There are Communist fanatics, there are even fanatics who feel strongly about others things, such as rap music. Some people are vey radical, you can’t let those radicals influence your idea of the whole. The concept of reward and punishment is very hard to analyze for the simple fact that we DON’T KNOW what the requirements are to get into heaven or hell. Each religion says something different.

    Also, would you prefer that modern laws were not based on good laws such as those found in the 10 commandments. I personally dont want to live in a society where you are allowed to kill, to steal and do other very nasty things.

  • Christians don’t believe that God is like a facist.

    First, would you call a dog owner a facist? He provides for the dog, feeds it, walks it, gives it a place to sleep, and tries to trains it, butt ultimately the dog has free will. My point is, God could only be a dictator if he was equal to humans.

    Second, God is a benvolent father providing for his children. Is a parent a facist? You could easily make a case for such.

    When people become ominesiencent and omnipotent, they will no longer require a “benevolent dictator.”

  • Sorry about my mistakes about the Jewish Religion.

    You gave two very good examples at the basic principles of Facism. Mastering a dog is probably Facism at it’s most basic level. Complete Obeydience is required or the dog gets punished. I’m more of a cat person myself, I don’t train my cats.

    Parenting is also a good example. However, there is one key different. Kids have a choice. I choose to be disobeydient to my parents, although I am not always punished. However, I do not have this choice for my afterlife. I am either going to Heavan or to Hell, it’s his choice and I cannot change that.

    Because God is infalable, invincable, and unconested, he gains absolute power. There is no democracy, no choice, no stopping him. He acts as if we were all His toys. I am not some play thing of a God, I am my own self.

  • When people become ominesiencent and omnipotent, they will no longer require a “benevolent dictator.”

    Right… I’m sure just being human would justify not having a “benevolent dictator.” And who says God is benevolent? For many people in this world, God may seem like a cruel joke to them.

  • @Yanny:

    Sorry about my mistakes about the Jewish Religion.

    You gave two very good examples at the basic principles of Facism. Mastering a dog is probably Facism at it’s most basic level. Complete Obeydience is required or the dog gets punished. I’m more of a cat person myself, I don’t train my cats.

    Parenting is also a good example. However, there is one key different. Kids have a choice. I choose to be disobeydient to my parents, although I am not always punished. However, I do not have this choice for my afterlife. I am either going to Heavan or to Hell, it’s his choice and I cannot change that.

    Because God is infalable, invincable, and unconested, he gains absolute power. There is no democracy, no choice, no stopping him. He acts as if we were all His toys. I am not some play thing of a God, I am my own self.

    i really am not wanting to enter into this particular fray. It feels inappropriate to dignify this particular post.
    At the same time, consider that we all have free will. We may leave God and return as our will and whim dictates. We stay (or return) because of love for God, not fear of punishment. As for hell - well, this is something we choose.
    You seem to be missing the premise of Christianity if this is they way you look at things.
    You might look at it this way. You are about to cross the street in front of a rolling bus. I pull you away from the road to save your life. You push me away, and walk directly into the path of the oncoming bus. No one forced you into that path, you chose it yourself.
    I believe God wants us to ask questions. God wants a relationship with us that needs to work both ways. If God simply gave us orders and directions and we had to toe that fine line, or “God would send us to hell” then i would tend to agree with you. This is not the way it works. One may build up a relationship with God the way one might with a lover or a partner, or a friend. As one gets to know God’s will, we try to follow it. If we are unsuccessful (read: sinful) - “we know that God will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (somewhere in Romans). This is not to say that we should sin-away as we know that we’ll be forgiven, but rather that we should try not to sin for that very reason - because Jesus has arranged it (by dying) for that sin to be disregarded.
    No, Hitler (and other fascists) would have one tortured and killed for the kind of questioning that i have done much of my life - if God was the same way. I have disobeyed God often enough (nearly daily, in fact) to burn me in hell for many eternities if we were to buy into your little rant. However because of Jesus’ sacrifice and God’s justice, i may sin for much of my life yet, and still receive a place in heaven.
    The only way that your analogy holds is at the very end of things. If we reject God, then we have gone to a place of our choosing. If we accept God, then we have done the same. What happens in between is largely immaterial (i don’t buy into pergatory YB), except that it contributes (or does not) to our relationship with God.
    Speaking of which, i havn’t prayed much recently, and i think i will do so now - it’s nice to stay in touch with a friend.

  • @Yanny:

    Sorry about my mistakes about the Jewish Religion.

    You gave two very good examples at the basic principles of Facism. Mastering a dog is probably Facism at it’s most basic level. Complete Obeydience is required or the dog gets punished. I’m more of a cat person myself, I don’t train my cats.

    Parenting is also a good example. However, there is one key different. Kids have a choice. I choose to be disobeydient to my parents, although I am not always punished. However, I do not have this choice for my afterlife. I am either going to Heavan or to Hell, it’s his choice and I cannot change that.

    Because God is infalable, invincable, and unconested, he gains absolute power. There is no democracy, no choice, no stopping him. He acts as if we were all His toys. I am not some play thing of a God, I am my own self.

    Yanny we do have free choice. Let me try to explain this to you. It may be a hard concept to understand because it’s a bit confusing, but I’ll try anyway.

    People have free choice. God knows what we will choose, what the outcome of our choices will be and knows everything about what we will choose. It is set in stone from the day we are born. So far, it sounds like a puppetmaster and that we have no free choice. BUT, we don’t know what God knows and because we don’t know what our choices will be, we can choose what we want to do. God knows what we will choose and what the coutcome of our choices will be, but since we dont we can choose what we want. This will be what God knows it is, but the option is still there.

  • I do agree with Yanny to some degree here. If a god does exist then I think he should respect me as a fellow occupant of the universe and sentient being. I don’t believe I need to praise him becuase he happens to be a particularly powerful being and could stike me down, if he so chooses, becuase I don’t stroke his ego, however it may be called. If god really has a problem with that and doing what I chose, whether or not it is sanctioned by god, then there isn’t really much I can do about it as a mere mortal; so I don’t worry too much about if my actions are the will of god.

  • I have free will, here in my life. I can do what I please, go where I please, and worship whom I please. However, once I die that right is taken away from me. God is now in control. I have no choice where he puts me.

    Ok, I am a “Non-Believer”. So is half the world’s population, we don’t believe in God. What would God say to this? Knowing his past fits of anger, he can’t be this all trusting perfect sinless all knowing diety. Are they going to Hell? By their Faith they could be expected to be reincarnated. So, if God wants them to go to hell, they lose that belief.

    I have not ranted once. If your offended, stop reading. A mature adult should not be offended, I haven’t said “Damn the Christians” or anything. I am damning this God.

    The problem lies not with the people. The problem lies with this God they worship.

    God does not do all this good you are talking about. At best, God doesn’t care. Where was God during the Halocaust? During the Crusades? During 9/11? During the Spanish Flu? During the Black Plague? During WWII? WWI? Where was God when Hinduism and Buddism grew? Where is god now?

  • Where are all the posters from the other threads who say that humans are not arrogant? All that hard work flushed away by Yanny.

  • @Yanny:

    I have free will, here in my life. I can do what I please, go where I please, and worship whom I please. However, once I die that right is taken away from me. God is now in control. I have no choice where he puts me.

    God does not do all this good you are talking about. At best, God doesn’t care. Where was God during the Halocaust? During the Crusades? During 9/11? During the Spanish Flu? During the Black Plague? During WWII? WWI? Where was God when Hinduism and Buddism grew? Where is god now?

    1. “once I die that right is taken away from me” - how do you know what happens when you die? God does not put you anywhere - you choose where you go. God might ask why you forsook (him) while you were on alive, but you have not done anything to demonstrated “fascist actions” by God yet.
    2. “where was God . . . ?” God was allowing free will to be acted out. God was with his children while they died, comforting them, affecting their lives in ways that evil people could not. Have you read the stories of the martyr’s (The Martyr’s Mirror is a start)? Certainly God my not have been acting as the “fascist” - preventing people from exercising free will, but God is there (spiritually, emotionally etc.) for God’s children. Also you ask about the greater picture, but within that are millions of smaller pictures which you rarely hear about - important acts of humanity, of heroism, etc. - that’s how God acts - by strengthening the hearts of his children, not by taking away the will of people.
      You’ve kind of argued against your original position here.

  • Alot of hatred in Yanny’s last post. I don’t necessarily hate what I believe isn’t there. People caused the Holocaust, the Crusades, the world wars, etc., etc. The problem does lie with the people; it’s up to us to stop these events from happening. Put the blame where it’s due…

  • @Yanny:

    I believe in it, but if you are a firm, blind Christrian, Muslim, or Jew, stop reading now, I don’t want to hear your opinion if your ideals are blinded like this. Post only fair, well thought out, and clean information below. I don’t want to see Blind Faith comments.

    Wow . . . so who’s the fascist again?
    Your forum, so i guess freedom of speech is not a granted?


    Now, as an Agnostic, I ask you Christians/Jews/Muslims a question. Why the f**k should I become a Slave to this God?

    Slave? Where does it say that?

  • Well i vote “no” because even if god is not an all loving being (the flood is an international genocide and most people are probably in hell), i do not think he is a facist. Anyway as he does not exist, only what christian think is important and i am sure most see him as a loving god…

    But there is a lot of problem of ethical problem with god…

    • If god cannot be understand with logic, It must be with faith
    • As faith is not more valuable in one religion
    • All religion are equal

    So the “we have the truth” statement is full of fallacies… and only Hinduism seem right on the subject; “The truth is One, but different Sages call it by Different Names”

    • If god cannot be understand with logic, It must be with faith
    • As some mind reject Faith
    • God reject those who reject him, je reject those who choose not to be faithfull

    So, god punish with eternal flame those who reject faith ? Why, if he love so much his child, does’nt he male himself a logical part of the universe ? How can an omnipotent being support a Black&White moral code ?

  • @bossk:

    I do agree with Yanny to some degree here. If a god does exist then I think he should respect me as a fellow occupant of the universe and sentient being. I don’t believe I need to praise him becuase he happens to be a particularly powerful being and could stike me down, if he so chooses, becuase I don’t stroke his ego, however it may be called. If god really has a problem with that and doing what I chose, whether or not it is sanctioned by god, then there isn’t really much I can do about it as a mere mortal; so I don’t worry too much about if my actions are the will of god.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t worship God because he can strike me down, I worship him because he is my creator. If you were a whino on the street and a billionare came and gave you money, gave you a house, a job, food and everything you needed in order to survive, would you not thank him and praise him?

    God is like the billionaire, who when you’re at the bottom seems so powerful. He created you, gave you the power to choose your path, gave you the power to see, to hear, to feel, to smell, to taste. He has given you a soul, and now you’re just going to use what he gave you, without thanking him at all? It’s as though someone comes and helps you and you tell him to f**k off after he has finished helping you. D oyou not owe the being who created you some thanks?

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