How to stop the site requesting desktop notifications?? Please explain
German, Spanish, French, Swedish, and Italian
I’d like to begin the process of translating the site articles into other languages. I would start with the current top three most popular non-English languages of visitors to this site:
German ->
French ->
Italian -> it.axisandallies.orgAnybody have any ideas on how I could get this done inexpensively?
Anybody want to volunteer to translate a few articles?
Spanish and Swedish too …
Visitors in the last 30 days:
German: 522
Spanish: 306
French: 278
Swedish: 259
Italian: 227 -
There are a couple of “machine translation” sites that I’m aware of and have used for looking up small notes on Engineering drawings from foreign countries. I think a couple of the sites can do websites. Here are a few of the links.
And this one if for Frood. Bablefish.
Most of these sites have some sort of free text translation but to do anything as large as an article is probably a lot of work and would need probably at least a high school class in the language you are going to. I haven’t used the translate a website on these sites. I like the text translator on the worldlingo site because you can give your source text context (important for engineering documents.)
Okay, I went to Babelfish and typed in the site address and selected English to German and was able to navigate around the site in German. How you can embed something like this in the site is out of my area of expertise.
The babelfish site has a line of code to use to add translation to the site and claims no charge. Click the link under the free text translation. I don’t know how much help that is. :|
I can translate into Swedish if you like. i do talk, read and “write” fluent english, but my grammar usually sucks, althought my Swedish gramar is better, adn i can double check it with spell checks to get it right.
I would advise against translaton pages, it usually gets quite wierd…
I can translate into Swedish if you like. i do talk, read and “write” fluent english, but my grammar usually sucks, althought my Swedish gramar is better, adn i can double check it with spell checks to get it right.
I would advise against translaton pages, it usually gets quite wierd…
Nix, your English grammar is better than some of the English speakers on this forum! :lol:
I speak fairly good German. Writing and Reading not as good but decent.
Excellent! First, I need to setup the site for internationalization.
I can translate into Swedish if you like. i do talk, read and “write” fluent english, but my grammar usually sucks, althought my Swedish gramar is better, adn i can double check it with spell checks to get it right.
I would advise against translaton pages, it usually gets quite wierd…
For those of you from a non-English speaking country. When you search for Axis & Allies content, do you switch to english? Or is the first instinct to search for “Axis & Allies <insert non-english=”" here=“”>"?
Basically, the point is not necessarily to be accomodating but rather to drive more traffic to the site.</insert>
Well usually we all look for info in english.
Because thats whats easies to find.
But i think some strategy pieaces would be easier to understand if it´s in your native language, especially if we are trying to “help” younger players and not just the old school people.
And it also lokks cool if you can choose whatever language when going to a site… (i tend to check my language if able, but always switch to english since i know it´s the original language of most pages i visit)
I can translate into Spanish and would be more than happy to help.
Thanks you! Okay, now I really need to get on with the i18n stuff.
I can translate into Spanish and would be more than happy to help.
Just tell me what to translate…
Nix, ezto:
How about this article for starters: -
Ah, the clasic “Infantry Pusho Mechanico” :-D
Nix and ezto. Internationalization is done. Now I just need to Localize.
Check out the Spanish site:
(This is actually the test “version” of the site).
I can have the Swedish site up in no time.I need some basic translations for things like:
Axis & Allies Board Games
A&A Board Game News
A&A Miniatures News
House RulesI think Avalon Hill publishes their titles in English for all languages. “Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge” is the same in every language, yes?
Also, I need the greeting on the home page: translated properly. I generated the Spanish from Google and when I re-translated it back to English, it was kinda funny. “Unofficial” turned into “an officious.”
Finally, any articles translated will be great. Be sure to put “translated by <your name=”" here=“”>" at the top of the translation.</your>
If it is still useful, I am Italian, and I may translate or give an hand in translation from english to italian.
Let me know what I can do. :)
Yes, please, that would be great. Thank you.
To have this done in an orderly manner, I’ve created some new topics: translate this stuff, thanks!
It will be done!
I am also starting to translate in Italian the basic strategy articles.
I am starting with Revised articles, that I have already read.When they will be ready how I can provide the translated articles?