Me neither
Again, I cannot tell the future - only make reasonable assessments on what has happened in the past.
And as we all know that the US is not thinking sensibly, i have to be right in my definition
And as we all know the US is thinking sensibly. :wink: :P
Did you ever have a look at the laws in Saudi Arabia? They are fundamentalists! If you are a thief there, your hand will be hacked off, etc.
Well I’m not mad at all Saudis. I may not agree with some of their laws such as the banning of dance clubs and movie theaters and their laws against women, but something tells me they have a good chance to becoming a modernized, Occidental country.
Just to reduce the chance to misunderstand things by not making clear the context in which i sate stuff.
Heh, I already forgot what you were talking about. :)
searching for secret weapon labs of course , and nothing else. Of course they would not try to spy on your other secrets, just on the weapons
Good. And what major scientific advancements have the Iraqis given us in the past 10 years?
Well, why do the US have one of the (if not the one) greatest espionage
efforts running, even before septembre last year, even against allies and friends? I though you were friendly and peaceful? Why do you need that then? ….
Yep, we call those the bureaucrats and the bourgeoisie. Maybe they know something vital we don’t and are not willing to share with us?
Noone who has anything to hide likes to show everything to others. And even if you don’t have things in secrecy the othrs would blame you for, would you deliberately give up all your secrets?
Then again we don’t we don’t have UN Sanctions and concessions prohibiting what we do/can have. And that is why we need to have tougher efforts on Iraq - Saddam will never be easy on the inspectors.
Yup, we will see.
What I will say is that Bush fails to get the resolution he calls forth from the United Nations - then, I’ll have to accept it [possible return of inspectors]. I may not like it and call it a huge mistake, but I’ll take my orders like a soldier and live with it.
Kind of, because they let themselves be pushed by Reagan into the armament spiral they couldn’t afford, and which was just adding a few overkills (and therefore was pretty nuch non-sense).
And without it, how long would you think the Soviet Union had before it collapsed?
Or who would be the next president in the Iraq, how would you stabilize the area after losing a major power there?
Hahaha, smart F_alk. You are finally asking questions that have to be answered before any armed intervention is to be made. :)
(I think the Iraqi National Congress will probably take power - or maybe, just maybe the Worker Communist Party of Iraq, Iraqi Communist and Progressive Organizations, and Iraqi Communist Party can band together and make a breakthrough 8))