like it or not, many other nations do the same thing. Perhaps not at the level of government, but at some level they do. And you’re being very naive to think that Iraq’s gov’t is the only one doing this.
So the level of extent doesn’t play a matter here? It seems like there is no distinction made nor is there the idea that Iraq will be the only likely target. The naivety comes from the fact that we would be powerless to stop it.
Did Iraq not get appropriately punished for this 10 years ago? How often must its citizens be punished for this? (As was argued earlier, regardless of the kindly American’s attempts to not kill them in an invasion, war inflicts misery on a country’s populace regardless of how they feel about the west.)
If you ask me Iraqi people got much more than it deserved. And it just isn’t the “victor’s” fault but also Saddam himself. How often must its citizens be punished for this?
Saddam is not worth attacking. There are far worse places to be afraid of. North Korea, some Canadians, China.
Those terrorist cells there sure are dastardly!
And there WILL be a very large number of casualties this time. We’re not going to see open tank clashes in the desert. Saddam has dug in outside and inside of Bagdad. Its going to be a war of Street fighting. Imagine the battle of Stalingrad. He’s going to use civilians as shields, and make a damn good show of doing it. And when the time is ripe, he’ll unleash those weapons. He’s gonna do every damn thing he can do to survive.
I can neither confirm or deny this as the general battle plans have not been laid out yet. It can be a simple Insertion method using special units operatives and intelligence or a massive war, it hasn’t been said yet. As for Stalingrad - tell me, what was the bridge of technology from then until now? As for number of casualities, Saddam said this about the Gulf War - looks liked we proved him wrong.
However, if he provokes us, he has less time to prepare. Less ammunition to stockpile, less time to build trenches. Less time to train his troops in streetfighting. However, that time may never come, if we’re smart.
Not exactly sure what is meant by this. Usually the provoker brings his own bite to go with his park (ex WWII).
71% of the British population is against their involvement in our attack of Iraq. Only 12% are for it, the rest undecided. There goes our biggest Ally.
Tell me, has push yet made his case to the British population and spoke to them in formal address?
Saudi Arabia will only let us use their Air Bases for enforcing the current No Fly Zones, and nothing else. Russia will lend us no help here, mainly their help would be in information gathering and diplomacy. No help is coming from Germany or France obviously. Kuwait won’t let us use their air bases, and only use their territory for defensive action. Turkey is gone until being admitted to the EU, they want their German and French support.
Intelligence members have already planned around Saudi Arabia. Russia’s support is doubtful as they are expected to sign a economic treaty with Iraq. However, Kuwait is willing though cautious, so I’m not exactly where you got that information from. [No friend of Saddam Kuwait has expressed reservations about a U.S. attack but would likely help in the event of military action. There already are thousands U.S. Army soldiers are based in Camp Doha near Kuwait City]. Sporadic talks have occured with Turkey off and one - though it is still early to tell. However this more has to do with the future of the Kurds than the European Union.
[Blair has been supportive but cautious
French President Jacques Chirac has said that any military action against Iraq be decided by the U.N. Security Council.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has called on the White House to consult fully with allies on its plans.]
So we’re going to operate this entire war off an Aircraft carrier or three. That limits what we can do by a lot. That means its going to be a ground war. How are we going to get troops in there? An amphibious invasion from Afganistan and Bahrain? Marching through the deserts of Jorden? From the mountains of Turkey? All of which stretch supply lines and give Saddam a huge heads up. We’re not talking the Taliban here, Saddam has the best military in the Persian Gulf. Most of it American.
Chances are the Americans will not be operating from an “Aircraft carrier or three.” An amphibious invasion from Bahrain with the 4,000 troops stationed there might work or at least tie up resources in Iraqi as the Marines did in the previous action.
Lets do something that matters. How about establishing a full on democracy in Egypt and Jorden. How about aiding the starving people in Ethiopia? How about working on issues that matter, not political issues.
Oh, but that would mean foreign intervention and the world hates that. We do help feed the people in Africa so that is an issue that does matter.
Dick Cheney gave a speech a few days ago. Probably more hard on Iraq than Bush’s speeches, he openly said diplomacy has ended. Although I don’t think this is an offical statement, Bush has long stopped thinking of diplomatic solutions. All of the people who went to Iraq in 91 are opposed to the war. Even Colin Powell is
Probably more hardlined than anything - I wouldn’t expect this yet to be counted as an official statement. I do think that these talks will help. Today, Sept. 3rd, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz was willing to talk about the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq.
A recent poll by Newsweek showed 51% of Americans are opposed to an attack on Iraq. Let me quote our favorite host of the daily show.
Should America launch a ground invasion of Iraq?
- 38827 responses
Yes. Saddam Hussein is a serious threat and must be stopped
No. it would put too many lives at risk
Maybe. But only with the support of other nations
Also, within the last six months, the ABC News-Washington Post Poll showed 72 percent supporting a U.S. invasion of Iraq. The FOX News-Opinion Dynamics Poll also has 72 percent supporting it. The least support for an attack comes from an NBC News-Wall Street Journal Poll showing only 57 percent in favor of attacking Iraq.