Your statements were clear. “No chance of holding Egypt past G1 w/o a bid.”
Which was absolutely wrong.
As to the rest of your post,
So touchy all of a sudden NPB? One little “extensive notes” jab and you throw a forum fit? I expected better.
But, rather than faking offense, or throwing fits, why not just say your first positions were somewhat overstated.
As another example, the allies might not move into Algeria with 4 transports if England is threatened with a c-sub transport buy. In which case Africa is “not lost” G2-G3.
Get a load of this guy. Lol.
C-Sub German transport buy has its own drawbacks, not least of which it’s conditional on the Russian move. If you build a load of transports, the Allies can just do something ELSE. Oh wait, I said that already, and as usual you didn’t bother to read it. Ah ha ha ha! Here it is again:
if Germany does something outrageously silly and costly to prevent unification off Algeria, the Allies can exploit that instead. Your Platonic argument is not impressive, and does not support your empty assertions.
Baltic transports aren’t categorically wrong, but don’t say it’s a counter to Allied control of Africa. Don’t say you have a categorical answer when you don’t. The fact of the matter is, the Germans are greatly aided by the bid, and no matter of bluster on your part is going to make that untrue.