Have you had any luck getting started on the AAM on-line experiance?
Personally I’m waiting for a newbie opponent. More gemrally, I just posted over at the Avalon Hill forum to get some more experienced players to test.
NOOB question,
I’ve been looking on the internet for AAM units. The cheepist way as far as I can tell is to buy them by the case. OK so for the question: How many booster boxes come in a case?
12 boosters in a case as far as I know.
Assuming you are not teh buy-a-case-of-each type (I’m not), I reccomend the following if you are looking for boosters:
It is 2 boosters from each set.
I also recommend going here:
He sells Common sets (you get 2 of each) and Uncommon sets (one of each) from each expansion, for roughly 5 dollars a set. Buying them as sets will save you money and you end up with just about everything you’ll ever need.
That’s what I did, now I have one of everything except the “rares” and in the boosters I pulled a Tiger, T34, and a few more good ones (alot for Germany) so I have a good selection.
OK one more question,
Whats the diffrence between:
Contested Skies
The Reserves
Are they all diffrent games? Are they all part of one game?
thanks for the info,
Each release has a name, and each release introduced new units.
So in order there is:
Base Set (or Set I)
Eastern Front (or Set II)
Contested Skies
The Reserves