• That’s a nice looking collection!  Are those your images or are the from the Avalon Hill “Gallery”?


  • How does this look for the size/apperance of the units?Â

    How many need to fit in a single hex?


    [attachment deleted by admin]

  • Why does the file attaching always mess with the images?  The original was a 77 pixels high but I just measured the one rendered by IE and it was 97 pixels high, making it looked streched.


  • '19 Moderator


    How does this look for the size/apperance of the units?Â

    How many need to fit in a single hex?


    Well the example I gave above is a bit extreme but it is possible.  The stacking limits are 2 friendly and 2 enemy only one of which can be a vehicle.  But, air and obstacles do not count against stacking limits.

  • @Motdc:

    How big should we be looking at?  My prototype used hexes about 60 pixels per side.

    For the new version of MapView I’m adding the ability for modules to support multiple images per unit, and the player can “flip” through them via the standard right-click menu.  I think that will be the best way to handle facings, something along the lines of Right Click -> Flip Image To -> Northwest Direction.


    So you’re going to flip and rotate the image to accomplish the correct facing? I’d be happy with facing markers or the arrows.

  • It seems fine to me on Firefox and the images look about the right size to me.


    Why does the file attaching always mess with the images?  The original was a 77 pixels high but I just measured the one rendered by IE and it was 97 pixels high, making it looked streched.


  • @djensen:


    How big should we be looking at? My prototype used hexes about 60 pixels per side.

    For the new version of MapView I’m adding the ability for modules to support multiple images per unit, and the player can “flip” through them via the standard right-click menu. I think that will be the best way to handle facings, something along the lines of Right Click -> Flip Image To -> Northwest Direction.


    So you’re going to flip and rotate the image to accomplish the correct facing? I’d be happy with facing markers or the arrows.

    Not exactly, though the phrase “Flip” did kind of imply that.  The feature I was describing is more like flipping over a counter, or flipping through a pad of images.  So the flip-based solution would involve taking the base image of a tank and making 6 images out of them, each that has a different direction arrow on it.  The Flip feature would just let the user select which image is the current image for the unit.

    In the short term, just having a direction-facing indicator will absolutely work.


  • So who is working on a good program to make this play by post happen.  If I have enough time, I am willing to attempt to create a program much like abattlemap, but for AAM.

  • Well, I was thinking that MapView would do the job with not too much effort.  The initial screenshot was one of a smaple module actually running in MapView.  But I didn’t want to do too much work on it unless there was actually some interest in it.


  • Well if it will help for people to be able to play AAM via post, then im definately interested.  :lol:

  • Does anyone still have the map downloads?  They were available from AH before, but I went to work on the module just now and they have been pulled.  Anyone still have the maps?


  • Is anyone willing to gather all of the unit images from the AH website into a zip and give them friendly names?

    So for the first unit on the Base Set Gallery which is listed under “France” with a caption of “MAS 7.5mm Rifle” has a default filename of “tn_mas_jpg”.  What would be helpful to me is if that image were instead named in catagory-unitname format ie “France-MAS 7.5mm Rifle.jpg”.  That way I can easily associate a caption to a unit image when I make a module.

    With all the sets, I know this is no small task, but any help is appreciated!


  • '19 Moderator

    Here’s the link to the maps:


  • @dezrtfish:

    Here’s the link to the maps:


    Thanks a million!  I’ll download them all ASAP.


  • @Motdc:

    Is anyone willing to gather all of the unit images from the AH website into a zip and give them friendly names?Â

    So for the first unit on the Base Set Gallery which is listed under “France” with a caption of “MAS 7.5mm Rifle” has a default filename of “tn_mas_jpg”.  What would be helpful to me is if that image were instead named in catagory-unitname format ie “France-MAS 7.5mm Rifle.jpg”.  That way I can easily associate a caption to a unit image when I make a module.Â

    With all the sets, I know this is no small task, but any help is appreciated!


    Well, I’ll take the deafening silence as a “no thanks”.  I guess I’ll just start with the starter set instead of adding them all in to begin with.

    I’ll keep everyone apprised of my progress!


  • OK, a map question.  Which way are the maps typically oriented?  The rulebook displays the maps configured such that they run North-South (they are tall and narrow).  In the games they are plying via MS-Paint over at the AH forum they seem to be West-East instead.  Since computer monitors are generally oriented horizontally, I’m inclined to layout the mpa that way.  Any comments or suggestions?


  • http://www.motcreations.com/forumfiles/aamini_sizes_032207.jpg

    How does this sizing look?

    This is one of the base-set maps, so a full game would require a map twice as wide and twice as tall.  Plus maybe an off-map staging area along the bottom.

    Look at the units too.  The majority are the same size, but the units in the north-east hex are smaller.

    Obviously the tradeoffs more screen needed but with better unit detail VS less of the screen needed but the units start getting scrunched.

    Feedback please.


  • It doesn’t matter. The game is played by placing units on either long end but depending on the table, we’ll play N-S or E-W. It’s the same. I’d do E-W because ti fits on the screen better.


    OK, a map question.  Which way are the maps typically oriented?  The rulebook displays the maps configured such that they run North-South (they are tall and narrow).  In the games they are plying via MS-Paint over at the AH forum they seem to be West-East instead.  Since computer monitors are generally oriented horizontally, I’m inclined to layout the mpa that way.  Any comments or suggestions?


  • The size in the bottom left is good.



    How does this sizing look?

    This is one of the base-set maps, so a full game would require a map twice as wide and twice as tall.  Plus maybe an off-map staging area along the bottom.

    Look at the units too.  The majority are the same size, but the units in the north-east hex are smaller.

    Obviously the tradeoffs more screen needed but with better unit detail VS less of the screen needed but the units start getting scrunched.

    Feedback please.


  • Thanks for the feedback.  As an aside, the images still look different between PaintShop Pro and IE (for me).

    I can do an Alt-PrintScreen and paste that image back into PSP and the IE image is like 20% larger when set side-by-side with the original.  When I zoom the jpg out to about 85% (using the zoom tool in IE) then it looks like it does when I view it in PSP.

    This is obviously an issue with my system or an IE setting or something, but it’s really annoying.  Anyone else have these problems?  Anyone have a few hints for me?


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