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Tank without supply!
Hi, after my first game i have a couple of questios…
1.- How can i move a tank that doesnt have supply in an hex without a road?
2.- Im not sure that i understand correctly the rules about roads, can a allies western tank reinforcement enter the map and end in the front line the same turn?
3.- Can Allies northern reinforcements enter in the front line?Thanks!
1.- How can i move a tank that doesnt have supply in an hex without a road?
A unit that hasn’t had a supply token paid to its hex can not move even on a road. A tank that has had a supply paid to its hex may move 1 hex.
2.- Im not sure that i understand correctly the rules about roads, can a allies western tank reinforcement enter the map and end in the front line the same turn?
A truck or tank may move any number of hexes along a road provided they do not enter a Enemy ZOC or an enemy town. A unit leaving an enemy ZOC may only move 1 hex even along a road. (Except for tanks that have had their blitz cost paid. They may move 1 additional hex.) So yes a unit may enter on the West edge of the board and move into the front line.
3.- Can Allies northern reinforcements enter in the front line?
If that hex is on their side of the front line, yes. Eupen or Verviers for instance.
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But about the first question, the tank is in an hex without supply and without road, and if im correct a Truck cant move in to an hex without a road, only can move in road, so the tank will never recive supply so can never move again? Right?
Not necessarily. Supplies may be drawn for a hex from any friendly controlled hex adjacent to the hex with the units. To the best of my knowledge there are no hexes not adjacent to a road or that don’t have a road running through them.
Gotha, Thats is the rule i miss!!!, take a supply from an adjacent hex, thats why my first game was so bad. :oops:…
Ouch dude!