Northern WV Panhandle Event


    There is “mini-con” in the Wheeling WV area on the 27th of January 2007. Come and game with strangers. No fees for A&A gamere aside from entry to the event ($5). I’ll have my Battle of the Bulge set (great chance to check it out if you are on the fence of buying your own) and probably revised. We’ll play it by ear and see who turns up and what we want to play. If enough folks come around maybe a round robin Battle of the Bulge?

    It is pretty casual. Seems easier for folks to make time for an “event.”

    Post any questions.

  • Just bumping this to make you look.  :-)

    New players who got sets for Christmas welcome too. We’ll help you learn the rules.

  • Hello all. The summer event is coming up next week. Nothing so gradiose as Origins but it is cheaper and the parking is free. The event organizer is listing an A&A tourney but I have no idea what is up with that as there have only been about two of us the last couple of times.

    Anyway, I will have a set of all board game variants with me so any one who has the time for a pick up game on Saturday July 21st 2007 should pop in. A couple of the guys who are usually around are into War at Sea. You could also set up a game with me here. Post here or PM me for directions or with questions et al.

  • Reminder, event on Saturday 7-21-2007. Come get in a Face to Face game. Taunt your opponents in person. See their humiliation as they fall before your superior strategy and executuion.

    Entry is cheap and parking is free.

  • BUMP

    Here’s your chance to beat me at Battle of the Bulge.

  • Hello All,

    A Wheeling WV area games day is scheduled for March 15th.

    Rookies and Vets alike welcome to come round for a game of Axis and Allies. I’ll have Revised, BOTB and Guadalcanal. If you are new to the area or A&A games stop by from 10-5.

    Post or PM for more details.

  • Il avait l’air “paniqué, j’ai compris qu’il se passait quelque chose de grave”.Un avis de recherche avait été lancé dans le cadre de l’affaire de viol avant d’être rapidement annulé.Outre l’image de marque du groupe pétrolier, c’est sa cotation en bourse qui se trouve en berne.La plupart des personnes décédées sont des adultes, voire de jeunes adultes, ce qui confirme la spécificité du virus H1N1 qui touche davantage les jeunes gens, les plus agés étant mieux immunisés.Ces promesses ont été faites à l’occasion de discussions commerciales annuelles entre la Chine et l’Union européenne qui se sont tenues mardi à Pékin.Des observateurs ont été envoyés la semaine dernière en Syrie pour faire le point de la manière dont le régime du président Bachar al Assad a répondu au plan de paix de la Ligue visant à mettre fin à près de dix mois de violences et de répression meurtrières.La fortune de l’ancien ras égyptien est estimée entre un million de dollars et des dizaines de milliards de dollars en liquide et avoirs.Des responsables chinois corrompus ont détourné plus de 87 milliards d’euros en moins de vingt ans, selon une étude de la banque centrale chinoise rendue publique cette semaine.

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