Ever read a daniel quinn book? or the coming of the great king of terror 1999?

  • 2007 AAR League

    daniel quinns books are awesome.  there’s a class on his book “ishmael” at my university.  not in it though.

    the coming of the great king of terror talks about many things to happen at the turn of the millenium.  one of them was from a post i read earlier about canada and america combining to make a united north america.

    nostrodamus talks about mexico, america, and canada joing together after a year of calamity for the whole world.

  • do  you actually beleave that(astrology)?

  • 2007 AAR League

    no, not astrology, but i do believe that older times, expecially the anicents, had untapped as of today knowledge.  I believe most knowledge from the old days was burnt on purpose in alexandria by the mongols, by urging of catholics and most today is in the sealed vault basement catacombs of the vatican.  without a doubt.  i believe they knew something about the world that we dont.  the world is  energy.  i am an ardant catholic but believe in magic and the sorts.  as a history major, i have never know that every king of every kingdom from antiquity to the middle ages was afraid of magic, which i believe the catholic vatican demolished throughout the centuries.  its wasnt blasphemy they were after, thats a story for suckers to believe, they were after the things they didnt understand, which scared the shit out of them… if it cant be explained by god it must be the devil(in their mindthougt)…end drunk rambling.

    nostrodamus i believe was able to tap into something, i dont know what force, energy or something.  Chi has been proved in the east with that guy who can start paper on fire at his whim.  he channels his chi, and he’s only an accupuncturist.  there are things out there that science will never explain.  once science can explain everything, our free will is lost. we are forced to believe in something.  then no free will

    but daniel quinn is awesome, liberals should love him,  he’s militantly anti capitalist, anti socialist, anti everything in this world,  and he ties everything back to tribal activities.  it really open your mind, to me, another train of thought.

  • I leave myself open to all possibilities, but I think Nostradamus being a prophet is quite a stretch.  Just like astrology, you can take the vague horoscopes and apply them to yourself no matter what has happened.

  • Posted on: January 09, 2007, 08:40:28 PMPosted by: balungaloaf 
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    I believe most knowledge from the old days was burnt on purpose in alexandria by the mongols, by urging of catholics and most today is in the sealed vault basement catacombs of the vatican.

    i wasn’t aware the mongols were puppets of the pope (popettes  :? :lol:)

  • 2007 AAR League

    they werent.  but the library of alexandria had a lot of monks, priests, and other laymen all over that place.  if they wanted to save some stuff they could have, and probably did, but let the rest burn.

    so no-one has read ismael, my ishmeal, or the story of B?

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