Looking for players in Northern VA

  • Is there anybody in Northern VA (Fairfax, Vienna, Manassas, Centreville, Gainesville) who reads this forum and is interested in playing with a couple of decent players? Willing to travel on weekends as far south as Fredericksburg or even Richmond, but not up into Maryland unless absolutely necessary. D.C., Georgetown, and Alexandria/Annandale, McLean are fine, too.

    There are four of us who get together to play about once a month on a weekend, and we’re looking for a fifth or alternate, or just someone new to play. We’re okay at the game (some are better than others), but not super amazing or anything. Just looking to have fun and play “major victory” types of games (3-5 hours). Email me at tgunn@wcps.k12.va.us if interested, or post in this forum.

  • Just found the board - I used to play A&A years ago, but it has been some time since I have played. I would really enjoy getting back into it, and once a month sounds good - however I live in Annapolis, MD.

    If everyone wouldnt mind rotating, I can travel to NoVa. Shoot me an email and we can see if it could work.


  • Know this is an ooooooolld post, but just found it. Live in Manassas, VA and would like to find some players for face to face battles.

  • Hi, I’m in Sykesville and play

    E40, P40, G40, 1914, DDay, Bulge, minis, minis War at Sea, minis Angels 20


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