Hahahaha! Just stumbled upon this and you’ve got to give him credit for creativity.
3 submarines = 1 battleship ?%%????
I side with Sir JediCharles. The era of the battleship has long since faded with dawn of the aircraft. Submarines and Pegasus-Class Boats are the wave of the future. Both are hard to detect, and can be mass produced in greater quantities in the same amount of time to construct one battleship. On the drawing boards, some engineers are looking to combine the abilities of an aircraft carrier with the underwater qualities of a submarine.
I would rather die than see a world without any more battleships!! :o You see, battleships weren’t meant to be “mass produced” in large quantities, battleships were works of art, specially crafted and perfected to be the ultimate battle station. Sure smaller craft could be used in many of the same situations (ie protecting convoys), but the mere presence of a battleship as part of a “peacekeeping force” or on a “diplomatic mission” warrants it. Also, BB’s weren’t meant to be “hard to detect.” They were the meanest soon of a guns and they didn’t care about “being spotted.” Yeah, try going up against an Iowa class’s massive 16-inch rifles, 17-inches of armored plating, and host of other anti-aircraft and anti-ship capabilities. I would gladly command a battleship, any time, any place.
Intresting, maybe I’ll try this myself (though there is hardly a time where the UK Navy is not completely wiped out on the first turn)
There sure are some cool folks around here and provide some great reading.
How should I be surprised? We’re all A&A fans!!!
This situation arises when the UK still owns its 2 original battleships. By purchasing a third battleship,…
Well, not if I’m Germany with rolls worth a darn. If so, I’ll not let the sun set on my turn unless those 2 battleships of UK are gone.
he he he
I would rather die than see a world without any more battleships!! :o
I’m not realy a big navy guy, I don’t know of any battleships that are still in service. I belive all the Iowa class ships are museums or mothball store houses. Does britain still use them?
The newest Canadian battleship on loan to the Coast Guard for testing.
The newest Canadian battleship on loan to the Coast Guard for testing.
Hey, thats a bit of an exaggeration, its too big.
“The newest Canadian battleship on loan to the Coast Guard for testing”
That has to be the funniest pic I’ve seen in a long while! :D
But to answer the question, USA is the only navy to have BB’s ready for activation, though all 4 are not in service and have been in moth balls. But it the heightening of tensions in the 1980’s Cold War showed us anything, you may one day see our mighty Battleships back in service :wink:
The newest Canadian battleship on loan to the Coast Guard for testing.
Hey, thats a bit of an exaggeration, its too big.
i also don’t recall our battleships having so many powerful weapons and so much armor. It really is a little much.
but of course its canada, whatcha expect. a powerhouse like canada has to hae a few good ships :wink:
Maybe the Canadians are trying to show us you don’t need weapons of war to be a world power.
The newest Canadian battleship on loan to the Coast Guard for testing.
Hey, thats a bit of an exaggeration, its too big.
i also don’t recall our battleships having so many powerful weapons and so much armor. It really is a little much.
ya, he should just have a handgun. -
but of course its canada, whatcha expect. a powerhouse like canada has to hae a few good ships :wink:
the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.
true, it was likely made up of destroyers and corvettes, but a navy is a navy. -
The Canadians were also the only ones to complete their objectives by the end of the first day of D-Day. They captured Juno Beach, hence the Juno Awards in Canada,
“the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.”
Where’d you hear that from, me? :wink: But CC is correct, Canada did have the 3rd largest navy in the world following ww2.
“The Canadians were also the only ones to complete their objectives by the end of the first day of D-Day. They captured Juno Beach, hence the Juno Awards in Canada”
But then again you Canucks didn’t have to land at Omaha and Utah beach! :P But seriously, you Canucks deserve your due. So what are the Juno Awards? Is it a medal given to those who participated?
actually no. The Juno awards are the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy’s, i guess. They honor “top” musicians in their various categories. Chances are if an American has heard of a Canadian group, they have a Juno or two.
And i agree - although we were successful at Juno, and the work that was done there is a source of respect, honor and pride in our veterans, i havn’t the slightest how much more or less difficult that landing would have been relative to the others.
And before we can boast, we also must look to Dieppe - one of the greatest failures of the war (although some, particularly in the intelligence business might have classified it a resounding success). -
“actually no. The Juno awards are the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy’s, i guess. They honor “top” musicians in their various categories. Chances are if an American has heard of a Canadian group, they have a Juno or two.”
Sorry, but this doesn’t sound right. I understand that you guys take great pride at your Juno landings (commendable), but to give an award named after a the beach that Canadians soldiers risked their lives on is sort of disrespectful for those who actually served in the invasion. No amount of courage and honor (especially by Grammy winners) can come close to equaling the lives of those brave Canadians that paid the ultimate sacrifice in Overlord. It’s kind of like if America held at awards ceremony named “The Medal of Honor” to decorate famous movie stars. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say.
“And before we can boast, we also must look to Dieppe - one of the greatest failures of the war (although some, particularly in the intelligence business might have classified it a resounding success).”
You’re right on Dieppe. It was a success and a failure. It helped prepare D-Day planners for the actual Normandy Invasion by learning from their mistakes, but it also led to the deaths and capture of many brave Canadian Commandos (or whatever you guys call them).
The Destroyers in A&A:P (and A&A:E) are great “in between units” with the sub and battleship.
BTW: Don’t worry A&A: WWI will have Naval units up the wazoo (though no carrier :() so I’m sure you’ll have find something you like. Super-Dreadnoughts Drool :)
Cameron, I like your idea of half BB’s. Mind if I use it?
Axis & Allies WW1? Aside from the total contradiction in terms–can this be for real? Are they really planning this? How do you know? If this is true I will be STOKED BEYOND BELIEF–you can keep the CVs (although I will miss them :( ), watch me crush London with my Zeppelin raids! Hopefully they will enable one to recreate such forgotten events as the battle of Coronel, where the German Pacific Squadron defeated the ill-prepared British off the Chilean coast, or the flight of the L-59, the Zeppelin Germany launched to resupply their beleagured garrison in Tanganyika, Africa, flying continuously for 96 hours and covering over 4500 miles! An official WWI A & A variant would be a MUST-HAVE for me. Are you for real? If so, when, when, WHEN???
Sorry for the outburst :wink:
“the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.”
Where’d you hear that from, me? :wink: But CC is correct, Canada did have the 3rd largest navy in the world following ww2.
3rd LARGEST–sure. But don’t forget that most of those ships were tiny “corvette”-class sub-hunters–primitive even by 1940s standards. The fact that Canadian sailors in WWII were able to accomplish so much in such creaky ships is a testimony to their bravery and fortitude…
“the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.”
Where’d you hear that from, me? :wink: But CC is correct, Canada did have the 3rd largest navy in the world following ww2.
3rd LARGEST–sure. But don’t forget that most of those ships were tiny “corvette”-class sub-hunters–primitive even by 1940s standards. The fact that Canadian sailors in WWII were able to accomplish so much in such creaky ships is a testimony to their bravery and fortitude…
true true related