Singer suicide?
For Battlestar (and Sharper Image) fans…
They only have 1 or 2 seasons left…
I hope like hell they do not do the cheesy Galactica Find Earth crap they did in the 1970’s…
Haha yea those were bad … protesting hippies and such.
I hope they figure out a way to kill all the Cylons and resettle the 12 colonies and then something realy ironic happens like people from Earth find them or something to make it a good ending -
I could go that route too. Or finding Earth but having Earth being technologically advanced and already in league with the Cylons?
Only if there is a massive epic battle at the end wiping out the Cylons but then maybe a twist that like Earth has AI robots working for them who in the end show that they may not be on their side after all setting up for another miniseries and then another series in 20 years
Or Earth has loyal Cylons to mankind that help the Battlestars?
Or they could pull an Independance Day and download a computer virus into the Cylons. WEG
Or the Cylons already found Earth and all hope is lost and humanity is wiped out :evil:
Or the Cylons already found Earth and all hope is lost and humanity is wiped out :evil:
Utopia! Just me and a whole bunch of loyal machines! No humans to screw up my life!!!
You can be Six
I’d rather be 7 of 9. Six is kinda skinny…I worry for her health.
I don’t know off hand who 7 and 9 are but i know Lucy Lawless (Number 3) would be a fine choice as well
7 of 9 was a Borg on Star Trek: Voyager, wasn’t she?
She is also the one who sank her former husband’s politcal career after the info came out about the BDSM and sex parties that they attended…
Well, SHE didn’t sink his career. She attempted to keep that private, as it should be. Not like he was asking someone who wasn;t his wife to have sex with him. But the two agreed to keep it private so it wouldn’t effect their son.
Then some mud slinging, low life scum demon-rat got a court order to open the files.
And y’all wonder why my first and LAST run for political office was in 1994 :-P
Though to be honest, I AM considering a Libertarian candidacy against Bob Etheridge for Congress in 2008…
What kind of political office did you run for?
Pennsylvania State Assembly, 62nd District.
The Original Battlestar Galactica only ran 1 season and was cancelled because they couldn’t meet production deadlines, mainly due to all the special effects. “Galactica 1980” was the spin-off where they found Earth. Most of the original cast was not in the spin-off, for which I’m sure they are grateful. It was beyond Lame and was cancelled after something like 9 or 10 episodes.
I don’t want to have national office. I want to remain in federal service. Perhaps be the first female governor of Illinois then shoot for President of the United States. (though, Veep has WAY more power!)