• However, some vegetarians still might have to take supplements if they choose a non-beef lifestyle.

  • @TG:

    However, some vegetarians still might have to take supplements if they choose a non-beef lifestyle.

    If you refuse to eat protien, you are in a world of hurt.

  • You said it! :wink:

  • beef party…my place!

  • @HortenFlyingWing:

    beef party…my place!

    Sick :wink:

  • Beef, it’s what’s for dinner. :roll:

  • “Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.”

    The world can not go around eating meat forever. Animals have rights too! :(

  • @TM:

    “Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.”

    The world can not go around eating meat forever. Animals have rights too! :(

    You forget they have no soul, they have been created by the almighy god to serve us.

    No seriously, if we could only eat chicken it would be enough… And we sould treat them a little better. My wife get me into an abbatoir once… that is really sick. We are kind of hypocrit, we eat them like they are objects, but we would certainly not all be able to kill the animals ourself. Anyway, we should’nt eat beef and things like that so expensive for our natural ressource, and we should at least give the animal a little more space before they die. If not for them then for ourself ! Is someone here ever bought eggs from free chicken ? Well the shell is harder and the egg taste better (really)… Same thing for chicken.

  • “You forget they have no soul, they have been created by the almighy god to serve us.”

    Wait – the Bible actually says this!!?? Yazooers! This is a great as time as any to adopt religion as any! (well unless you’re Hindu, in that case, no beef :wink:)

    “we should at least give the animal a little more space before they die.”

    Apparently, producers don’t like to raise their stock in open door environments – it makes the meat
    tough, though your “egg info” might be correct.

    “Animals have rights too! ”

    Yep, whoever thought in addition to being an environmentalist, you’re an animal rights advocate too? Go figure. Don’t worry, I’m for animal rights too, though raising livestock for slaughter is a necessary evil. I grew up eating meat, so for me, there’s nothing better.

  • Apparently, producers don’t like to raise their stock in open door environments – it makes the meat
    tough, though your “egg info” might be correct.

    oh no no, it’s more simple, produces don’t like to raise their stock in open door; it cost more than puting them in small case. And No, in does’nt make the meat tough, the animal live with less stress, chicken make tougher egg and the meat is tender… But this is maybe not all due to the “open door” thing, they also don’t get hormone to grow faster.

  • “And No, in does’nt make the meat tough, the animal live with less stress,”

    This is true, the stress of the animal is a major quality in the tenderness of the meat. However, a lot more of this has to do with how the animal “feels” Immediately before and after it is slaughtered.

  • @TM:

    “Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.”

    The world can not go around eating meat forever. Animals have rights too! :(

    yes, TO BE IN MY BELLY!

  • Hahaha, good one! :wink:

  • Moses, you know better than that! :)

  • There is plenty of protein in beans and nuts. And the fat that accompanies the protein is better.

    Man, it is too bad there are not girls like Moses’ sister in Seattle. Here they are all atheist communists. Or at least most of them. Moses would love it.

  • Moses believes in god though.

    So who wants to invest in this idea I call it Vegi-state. It is made with chopped up mushrooms and refried beans and covered with pig intestine. Just don’t tell the vegans that!

  • @TM:

    Moses, you know better than that! :)

    Yeah, yeah – fine, no more beef jokes. Happy? I tell ya, leave it for a girl to take the fun out of everything. :wink:


    Moses believes in god though.

    Which one? I get confused when reading post, I don’t know which Moses you’re talking about! :P


    Man, it is too bad there are not girls like Moses’ sister in Seattle. Here they are all atheist communists

    Nah, trust me, too many nice people can be a bad thing shudder
    Esp. when you have ta live with one. (always making me look bad and uncivilized in front of you-know-who) :roll:

  • @yourbuttocks:

    There is plenty of protein in beans and nuts. And the fat that accompanies the protein is better.

    Man, it is too bad there are not girls like Moses’ sister in Seattle. Here they are all atheist communists. Or at least most of them. Moses would love it.

    The protein in beans and nuts are very poor.
    Beans and nuts lack the proper amino acid proflie, its incomplete.
    Animal sources( and cottage cheese) are consider complete proteins with all of the 9 essential branch chain amino acids.

  • man is made of meat…therefore thou must eat meat.

    but by that logic cows eat pork.

  • “Man, it is too bad there are not girls like Moses’ sister in Seattle. Here they are all atheist communists. Or at least most of them. Moses would love it”

    Perhaps it was the Lord’s will to destine you for Seattle so you could show those the way. I always love meeting new places and new people, so I will be sure we stop by at Seattle at one point of another. And I am sure TG won’t complain if the locals are athesit communist :)

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