• Thanks for the support, E_G_,

    T_6, I said,
    meaning, when we killum they’re dead! I would rather keep
    em alive, on a bland MDR diet, no heavy exercise(push ups in the cell okay), no computer, no library(no magazines or candy or cigarettes). I think solitary confinement would be excellent(read that I’m a liberal below :lol: ).

    F_k, I am hurt that you didn’t read my apology at the end of my post. Next time I will place my apology at the start of the post to save you some effort :wink: - Xi

    In the US 1% or 1.0% means one percent. The third 0 to the right of the decimal point represents thousandths. Thus, 0.00007% means seven - hundred thousandths of one percent. I guess math is not a universal language after all!

    Sorry, F_k,
    c_c_ said" It doesn’t make the US a Nazi state…" and I dina read it correctly.
    I don’t think I was responding to you @ that point in my soliloque.

    F_k said, ‘your definition of ‘best’ is clearly not mine. And hey, you mention Lawyers, the secret rulers of your states, and the insurance companies… do you want to deny the free market its freedom to friggin do what they want, and if they can afford it not care about the customers at all? That is the way of capitalism… you should have learnt that much by now!’

    Yes, we disagree.(The JEWS and McDonald’s are actually “the secret rulers of . . . our states”!)Let’s look at ALL the benifits and inventions wrought upon the world by the freedom of capitalism . . .
    Oh, wait! We don’t have time to go over 226+ years(some benifits came before the US[and Canada and a few other capitalist countries] was founded)! But, we might have time to go over the few short term kinks in the system that need to be worked out . . .
    Oh, wait! We haven’t taken the time to get the education to solve these problems on this string! However, if you wish, I will wait the 8 years it will take you to get the education you’ll need and the additional 20-30 years of experience you’ll need to be able to speak in depth with an adequate level of knowledge and wisdom.
    I’ll not hold my breath :) .

    Xi’s Quote: "…envirowackos and vegans… "

    F_k said ‘no comment’

    Sorry, I was a lil out line thar. But, to clarify, ENVIRONMENTAL EXTREMISTS(like those whinning about the hole in the ozone layer_) And to clarify, VEGEMONGERS(my word for) those who emotionally or forcefully try to get others to eat only vegetables. Did you know that one of the organizations that lost office space _in the WTC bombing was a ‘chicken liberation group.’ The spokeswoman said, "More chickens lose their lives every day of the year than humans died on 9-11-2002?Now that’s TERROR."I heard her.

    Xi said ‘I believe the system will collapse from pressure from within and without. For example, we now have a nurse shortage…’

    F_k said ‘Oh, but … that means that the almighty market does not regulate itself properly! The very basic claim that capitalism builds on… how dare you!
    You must be a communist, liberal, socialist, european, gay, intellectual, jewish, muslim leftist!’

    I don’t make that claim. We communist, liberal, socialist, European, gay, intellectual, Jewish, Muslim, leftists must always be on guard!
    Aren’t you mixing your metaphors? :P …I mean stereotypes.
    Thanks for the compliments!
    Waaaaaait a minute . . . Who’s insulting who?

    Xi said, ‘Anti-social, MY ASS, and you can kiss it, too! (Just to be clear, this is a derisive remark. It is not anti-social, it is not politically correct, nor is it homosexual in nature.)’

    F_k said, ‘Well, at least he can do maths, wanker…’

    I reiterate…Who’s insulting who? Besides . . .‘maths’?

    F_k said, ‘(i don’t see any need to stay polite after this posting that’s so full of insults that it spills over the top).’

    I am hurt that you didn’t read my apology at the end of my post. Next time I will place my apology at the start of the post to save you some effort :wink: - Xi

    Please, use correct capitalization. Oh, I see English is not your primary mode of communication. With all this miscommunication I was beginning to wonder if it was mine :-? :P .
    By the way, what’s a wanker - sincerely, WANKER(Xi) :roll:

    Maybe we ought to move this string somars( :P ) else.__

  • Xi, you are a wanker!
    (Sorry, I have no idea what that means either :-?)

  • @Xi:

    In the US 1% or 1.0% means one percent. The third 0 to the right of the decimal point represents thousandths. Thus, means seven - hundred thousandths of one percent. I guess math is not a universal language after all!

    Well, what is one percent then? ( i just noticed that i dropped zeros in my above post, these will be edited by me after this one).

    One percent = 1% = one hundreth = one over hundred = 0.01 ……
    0.00007% = 0.0000007 = 0.7 over one million
    the above times 4 million equals 2.8 …

    Sorry, F_k,

    I don’t think I was responding to you @ that point in my soliloque.


    Let’s look at ALL the benifits and inventions wrought upon the world by the freedom of capitalism . . .
    Oh, wait! We don’t have time to go over 226+ years(some benifits came before the US[and Canada and a few other capitalist countries] was founded)! But, we might have time to go over the few short term kinks in the system that need to be worked out . . .
    Oh, wait! We haven’t taken the time to get the education to solve these problems on this string! However, if you wish, I will wait the 8 years it will take you to get the education you’ll need and the additional 20-30 years of experience you’ll need to be able to speak in depth with an adequate level of knowledge and wisdom.

    I don’t think i understood you right there….
    But well, if 226+ years are not enough time to educate the people and solve those “short term” kinks, then mankind is doomed.
    For your comment on age… if you are so old and wise, how comes that you are not able to find out the meaning of the insult i used down below?

    But, to clarify, ENVIRONMENTAL EXTREMISTS(like those whinning about the hole in the ozone layer_)

    Have you ever been to Australia ? How many ppl over …say 65 years of age … did have skin cancer there, compare that to data of the northern hemisphere.
    The hole is there, and it is alive and well, and it will be alive and well for the next 20 years at least …
    We stopped the worldwide emission of chlorated carbohydrates just a few years ago. It takes several decades until the cch reach the upper atmosphere. So, we still have a few years ahead of us, before we notice the effect.
    “short term kinks” … when it comes to human lifespans, i think calling that short term is cynical.

    And to clarify, VEGEMONGERS(my word for those who emotionally or forcefully try to get others to eat only vegetables(Did you know that one of the organizations that lost office space _in the WTC bombing was a ‘chicken liberation group’ whose president actually said, “More chickens lose their lives every day of the year than humans died on 9-11-2002?Now that’s TERROR”, I heard her.)

    Planning to close the second bracket?

    Aren’t you mixing your metaphors? :P …I mean stereotypes.
    Thanks for the compliments!
    Waaaaaait a minute . . . Who’s insulting who?

    look up:

    Xi said, ‘Anti-social, MY ASS, and you can kiss it, too! (Just to be clear, this is a derisive remark. It is not anti-social, it is not politically correct, nor is it homosexual in nature.)’

    F_k said, ‘Well, at least he can do maths, wanker…’

    I reiterate…Who’s insulting who? Besides . . .‘maths’?

    Yes, maths…. see above.
    And yes, i was insulting you there. And i explained why i felt free to do so.

    I am hurt that you didn’t read my apology at the end of my post. Next time I will place my apology at the start of the post to save you some effort :wink: - Xi

    Please, use correct capitalization. Oh, I see English is not your primary mode of communication. With all this miscommunication I was beginning to wonder if it was mine :-? :P .

    Sorry that my english was not good enough to recognize your apology as such.
    For my capital letters: i will use them properly only if you start to:
    -spell correctly
    -close all brackets you opened
    -speak my native tongue as good as i speak english

    By the way, what’s a wanker - sincerely, WANKER(Xi) :roll:

    GOOGLE IT !!!
    it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t take you more time than i needed to type this……__

  • wow.
    that’s really nitpicky.
    Not to get involved in your little lover’s quarrel, but . . .
    i already had an assumption about wanker, but i don’t feel like looking it up, so i’ll go with that assumption . . . in which case a wanker isn’t really an insult so much as an adjective like “use-the-toilet-standing-up’er” etc.
    and that “second bracket thing”. EEEEEEEEE.
    is my lack of use of capital letters bothering anyone else? i started to not capitalize my “i’s” and things kind of just drifted from there. (note: when i write in charts i print in ALL capital letters for the sake of legibility).

  • Come on Xi, we also love satire and irony. :)

  • @cystic:

    that’s really nitpicky.
    Not to get involved in your little lover’s quarrel, but . . .
    i already had an assumption about wanker, but i don’t feel like looking it up, so i’ll go with that assumption . . . in which case a wanker isn’t really an insult so much as an adjective like “use-the-toilet-standing-up’er” etc.
    and that “second bracket thing”. EEEEEEEEE.
    is my lack of use of capital letters bothering anyone else? i started to not capitalize my “i’s” and things kind of just drifted from there. (note: when i write in charts i print in ALL capital letters for the sake of legibility).

    Don’t worry CC.
    Xi is just a prick.

  • @Anonymous:


    that’s really nitpicky.
    Not to get involved in your little lover’s quarrel, but . . .
    i already had an assumption about wanker, but i don’t feel like looking it up, so i’ll go with that assumption . . . in which case a wanker isn’t really an insult so much as an adjective like “use-the-toilet-standing-up’er” etc.
    and that “second bracket thing”. EEEEEEEEE.
    is my lack of use of capital letters bothering anyone else? i started to not capitalize my “i’s” and things kind of just drifted from there. (note: when i write in charts i print in ALL capital letters for the sake of legibility).

    Don’t worry CC.
    Xi is just a prick.

    This is my post.

  • @cystic:

    that’s really nitpicky….

    Never try to be a better nitpicker than me :) … i have a distinct advantage: i am born german ;)

  • T_6quote,
    “Xi, you are a wanker!”

    TANKS, 6
    “Well, what is one percent then?”

    1% or 1.0% is one percent or one - one hundredth of the whole.(In the US, to the right of the decimal point is where fractions begin).
    0.1% is one tenth of one percent or one - one thousandth of the whole.

    “I don’t think i understood you…”

    You were RIGHT. You did not understand. I was only trying to solve the US problems . . . not the world’s problems :)
    Satire, irony ,a little kidding, and good old fashioned humor. :P :wink:
    I am not omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent, but I’m damn close to it! :wink: :wink: - Xi

    Sorry, let me clarify. The hole on the ozone layer gets SMALLER AND LARGER.

    “Planning to close the second bracket?”

    See previous post for correction, if you must.


    “look up:

    Jeez! Humor doesn’t translate well for some people. That’s why I’ll stick with English . . . the international language of aviation and business.
    :P :wink:

    “wow. that’s really nitpicky.”

    :lol: I agree. :wink:

    “Come on Xi, we also love satire and irony.”

    Me, too, but some people(read F_k and M_G_)don’t get it. :cry:

    And then came M_G_,
    Another guy who can’t understand humor!

    “Never try to be a better nitpicker than me…”

    Wow, all this grief over one little ‘kiss my a–.’ One country’s CiC retires and another country’s CiC attacks(I feel like Nazi Germany).No joke. - Xi
    Ain’t nobody pickin’ nits. Just havin’ fun in communicatin’. - Xi
    Take a break and try again. - Xi

  • @Xi:

    “Well, what is one percent then?”

    1% or 1.0% is one percent or one - one hundredth of the whole.(In the US, to the right of the decimal point is where fractions begin).
    0.1% is one tenth of one percent or one - one thousandth of the whole.

    So, then you can redo your calculations …… and, what do you get out of it?
    It was 0.00007 % (!) of 4 Million, right?

    “I don’t think i understood you…”

    You were RIGHT. You did not understand. I was only trying to solve the US problems . . . not the world’s problems :)

    How can you preach global trade if you fail global thinking?
    I wouldn’t mind if we could seal off the US from the rest of the planet. Would save us a lot of trouble, and most of the USies wouldn’t even notice!
    (Except that there are no “evil villains out there” who can be blamed for everything…. would be interesting to watch wthat happens then)

    Sorry, let me clarify. The hole on the ozone layer gets SMALLER AND LARGER.

    The sun goes up and down.
    There is summer and winter.
    Of course the hole oscillates: it would be a miracle if it didn’t!
    I find it funny if ppl takes things they don’t undertand to proof other things they don’t understand…

    Wow, all this grief over one little ‘kiss my a–.’ One country’s CiC retires and another country’s CiC attacks(I feel like Nazi Germany).No joke.

    Take a f*cking look: there is more to Nazi germany than WWII.
    You still feel like it?

  • Sorry,
    however, according to the psychiatric profession, I’m entitled to my feelings. Don’t take it personally. :oops: Sorry, those are your feelings and you are entitled to them.

    F_k WAS RIGHT! :)
    regarding the mathematics. With a little encouragement I figured he’s coorrect there. Thanks for the patience.

    Regarding the world’s problems -
    We’ve got over 210 countries in the world with a wide variety of laws.If we try different methods we might find one that works. My vote is for multiple experiments and I’d say the world shows itself to be in agreement(communism, socialism, republics, democratic republics, dictatorships, and monarchies to name a few examples).

    Regarding the short term problems -
    Let’s see. Europe has been settled(about what? 100,000 years +)and becoming civilized for 3,000 years. I think Europe should take the lead in solving the world’s problems. We’re waiting! :)

    You referred to cch or chlorated carbohydrates. I believe that’s what the US folks refer to as cfc or chloroflourocarbons. Other than that, I leave the scientific twisting to someone else. :wink:
    Have a NICE day. - Xi

  • @Xi:

    F_k WAS RIGHT! :)
    regarding the mathematics. With a little encouragement I figured he’s coorrect there. Thanks for the patience.

    yw … excuse my bad temper in that…

    You referred to cch or chlorated carbohydrates. I believe that’s what the US folks refer to as cfc or chloroflourocarbons. Other than that, I leave the scientific twisting to someone else.

    Well, I know the acronym in german, and cfc sounds good.
    Anyway, those are about the only success of environmentalists. And now honestly, did your life get worse without cfc’s? Do you miss them?

  • @F_alk:


    F_k WAS RIGHT! :)
    regarding the mathematics. With a little encouragement I figured he’s coorrect there. Thanks for the patience.

    yw … excuse my bad temper in that…

    You referred to cch or chlorated carbohydrates. I believe that’s what the US folks refer to as cfc or chloroflourocarbons. Other than that, I leave the scientific twisting to someone else.

    Well, I know the acronym in german, and cfc sounds good.
    Anyway, those are about the only success of environmentalists. And now honestly, did your life get worse without cfc’s? Do you miss them?

    my life just hasn’t been the same. My bed is harder, my food tastes worse, my air-breathin . . . well, that’s still the same more or less.

  • [The camera pans the room and . . . ]

    We find Xi sitting in a dark corner in front of a generic 17" monitor with a Compaq SK-2800C keyboard ready to slip from his lap. The right hand is precariously hunting and pecking on the keboard. However, the left lovingly cradles a bottle of Sobe Dragon to Xi’s body. He is leaning back in an old brown leather desk chair, with metal studs, and a spring is beginning to wear through in a most uncomfortable place. His feet are crossed on the far right corner of the desktop fighting for space with one of the family’s pet dinosaurs, a Compaq Presario 7478 CPU. At the foot of Xi’s tilted chair is a small bowl and teaspoon, with the dried remains of some Graeter’s Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

    [Camera tightens to show from Xi’s head to his lap.]

    We see Xi experience shortness of breath,
    his face becoming flushed,
    attempted multiple extreme efforts at inhalation,
    the Dragon is dropped on the old warped speckled tile floor,
    grasping throat,
    placing both hands across the treachea, palm inward[the International Sign of Choking],
    deeply flushed face,
    decreased struggling for breath,
    his hands relax and slip to the keyboard
    which slips from view and clatters to the tile floor,
    the fight is ended.

    [The camera slowly lowers and tightens on the overturned bottle of Sobe Dragon as it empties a few more drops on the cool floor. Fade to black]
    I knew the air didn’t have that
    fresh, processed smell anymore!

    • Xi(from the battlegrounds of Stovolkor)

  • Please, I had better hope you’re not describing what I think your describing.

  • eeeeeeeee :cry:

  • For any of you who still don’t know and are still interested…‘to wank, or wanking’ is masturbation! ‘wanker’ is an insult. (i spent some time at an international school in holland…picked these things up from the british)

  • I was thinking:

    1. Massive Myocardial Infarction (anterior with radiation to the carotids)
    2. Wicked asthma attack
    3. Choking on something
    4. some kind of metabolic syndrome/toxin
    5. thrombotic emboli (from DVT developed after hours of sitting in front of the computer) thrown to the pulmonary artery

    but now . . .
    triple eeeeeeee

  • I’m not dead yet! :P - Xi

    I think that’s a famous line. :wink:
    Not enough cchs/cfcs fer me! :cry: - Xi

  • u have interupted the thread hehe :P

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