Im sure I’ll run into some things but that is it for now. Thanks for your help.
I’m really enjoying playing the miniatures game.
The board version of A&A has ABattlemap… is there an equivalent out there for A&A Miniatures? I’m interested in playing… but Warhammer taught me a lesson a few years ago, and I’m not ready to shell out more money for pieces I’ll rarely use :-)
I’m really interesgted in this - anybody know about something like this?
No dice? Someone must have created a program…
There is an AAM manager and Scenario builder but I think that is about it… Learn C++ and fire away!
v_v Why hasn’t anyone made a program?
Since I don’t have to write any code for all of this, it’s a little easier than I thought. The ony thing that can’t be filtered/searched is Special Abilities …
Hmm… I was thinking more of ABattleMap for AAMiniatures…
I’m really suprised no one’s created somthing like this. There goes any chance of me playing AAM :cry: