WotC - Wizards of the Coast (makers of AAM)
FoW, WotC, Old Glory, Peter Pig, Plastic Soldier company, Skytrex, Zvesda and Gaming models all make 15mm WWII miniatures……and Ive built them all.
The board version of A&A has ABattlemap… is there an equivalent out there for A&A Miniatures? I’m interested in playing… but Warhammer taught me a lesson a few years ago, and I’m not ready to shell out more money for pieces I’ll rarely use :-)
I’m really interesgted in this - anybody know about something like this?
No dice? Someone must have created a program…
There is an AAM manager and Scenario builder but I think that is about it… Learn C++ and fire away!
v_v Why hasn’t anyone made a program?
Since I don’t have to write any code for all of this, it’s a little easier than I thought. The ony thing that can’t be filtered/searched is Special Abilities …
Hmm… I was thinking more of ABattleMap for AAMiniatures…
I’m really suprised no one’s created somthing like this. There goes any chance of me playing AAM :cry: