I’m with dezrtfish on this one, but being a member of the NRA, who wouldn’t? :smile:
“Weapons are considered to be the great equalizer, meaning that a small person with a gun is equal to a large person, but it is a great equalize in another way, too. It insures that you are in some ways equal to a criminal that also carries a weapon.
Despite this, some people apparently think that criminals will be willing to give up their guns if carrying them is against the law. What naiveté! Our nation was build and civilized by men and women who used guns in self-defense and in pursuit of peace. One wonders indeed, if the rising crime rate, isn’t due as much as anything to the criminal’s instinctive knowledge that the average victim no longer has means of self protection.
No one knows how many people have been left alone because the criminals knew that the person might be carrying a concealed gun and knew how to use it. Criminals are not dissuaded by soft words, soft judges or easy laws. They are dissuaded by fear of the unknown and they are prevented from repating their crimes by death or by incarceration.”
“Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
“The create? The create matters not. It is the man who pilots the create that truely counts” -
[ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-17 22:51 ]