Europe 1940 for sure.
Most amount of pieces, best options, best map to make alternate scenario’s!
Part of the reason why crimminals can disobey the laws is because of all the loop holes.
One thing to consider; the first act of a dictator is to disarm the populace
Something to think about
On 2002-05-15 15:04, yourbuttocks wrote:
Part of the reason why crimminals can disobey the laws is because of all the loop holes.
I think the main reason criminals disobey the law is because they are criminals. :smile:
One thing to consider; the first act of a dictator is to disarm the populace
The main reason we felt compelled to go into Yugoslavia reciently in my opinion is because the people there were unable to defend them selves against tyrany. Agian just my opinion.
and you think that being allowed to carry concealed weapons will protect you against tyranny?
this isn’t 1775 British Colonies. If a gov’t tries to erode your freedoms, whether you carrry something capable of spitting pieces of lead or not isn’t going to help you at all. Unless you just need to kill people to feel better about it.
It’s true that criminals will not consider seriously legislation against firearms, but it will make it more difficult for them to acquire them. (I feel you Americans laughing at me . . . poor naive Canadian)
It’s no longer the 17th century. A few handguns isn’t going to stop the American Army.
I am against concealed weapons. If you have a weapon, it should be visable. IMO, as far as a knife is concerned, it has to be a big ol’ bowe knife for it to be considered a weapon.
On 2002-05-15 14:42, dezrtfish wrote:
Concealed carry permits are a tool for law abiding citizens to let police know that they are protecting them selves without appearing aggressive. It is perfectly legal for me to walk down my street with my pistol hanging off of my belt. However I choose to be less conspicuous.Criminals do not obey the gun laws we already have, so why make more laws that that only victims will bother to obey?
Exactly, what kind of a criminal will rob a store with a baseball bat instead of a gun because using the gun to do it is illegal?
You don’t belive that the armed American Population can stop the American Army?
!st of all I was in the military and let me assure you that the majoraty of the US military would not turn on the population even though we swore to in the oath of inlistment.
And second, The American Population is better armed than the Army of North Vietnam was. I think that says enough.
Concealed weapons? I’m against it. If everyone had a gun hanging on their hips, crime would go way down…though kids shooting themselves will go up. but its worth it.
HFW- thats called darwinisam. Parents need to be more responsable, there were many guns in my house as a kid and buy some miracle I survived.
In case anyone is curious I own 4 shotguns 9 rifles and 2 handguns.
The dumb kids die and the smart ones survive who listen to Billy the NRA Bald Eagle. I like your thinking!
PErsonally I want to gewt a gun or so, but for these reasons:
I want to own military collectibles. My father’s dream is to own a buffalo ranch and a dodge viper, mine is to own a MP44 and a MG 42
I want a gun with blanks so when I am confronted with violent animals i can scare them off (like those a**hole dogs with no leash.)
And if my government went out of control (hell, if hillary is elected president), I want my gun.
Though I am against assault rifles until they become “antiques.” Also, I don’t like hunting besides when it is used for population control (it’s coming right for us! errr, we’re thinning out their numbers!)
On 2002-05-16 13:39, dezrtfish wrote:
HFW- thats called darwinisam. Parents need to be more responsable, there were many guns in my house as a kid and buy some miracle I survived.In case anyone is curious I own 4 shotguns 9 rifles and 2 handguns.
Holy sh*t! Thats a lot of guns.
My Dad had a shotgun around when i was growing up, if i even got near it, my Dad would whip my ass.
We have guns in my household but they are all locked up and the key is hidden. But I have no reason to use them, so you may all return to your comfort zone.
to defend yourself, why would you need more than one?
I only use three of them for self defence.
I carry a hand gun I have a handgun that my wife can carry if she chooses to and I have an AK-47 in my bedroom in case of a home invasion robery. The rest are for hunting or collectables.
Ha! You seriously have an AK-47 in your bedroom?? LOL I’d love to see the look on THAT robber’s face when he walks into your room to see ya standin there in your robe with an AK-47 pointed at him. What kind of handgun do you carry?
[ This Message was edited by: Chris on 2002-05-17 10:02 ]
it’s lucky you have that ak-47. I mean, what happens if you get broken into and you can’t find any of your other guns? Well, at least you have the ol’ AK-47 handy.
Naturally all of those other guns will come in handy when the American Army invades . . . America?
There’s something wrong with this picture. Shouldn’t Canadians be arming themselves in case the American army invades Canada?
is it just me, or is this a little excessive and weird?
dezrtfish, where do youlive that you can walk around with a gun on your hip? I could do that here in Ohio, but I would get arrested for diturbing the peace or causing a panic in some communities.
CC- I guess that may seem funny to you, But home invasion roberies are becoming more common here. There was an instance a couple years ago were a group of people broke in to some one’s house in the middle of the night wearing bullet proof vests and killed the two occupants of the house in a gunfight through their bedroom door. I began to keep my AK in my bedroom arter that.
I originaly bought the AK because it is fun to shoot, and I still think so. It is one of the three guns that are not locked up in my house.
As I said before my other guns have other purposes. I have an M1 garand and a K98 which are collectable’s
I also Different types of birds which require differnet types of Shotguns. The same goes for big game hunting and rifles.
I do have some guns that I don’t use but have sentamental value, for instance the shotgun my father bought for me when I was 10 years old.
I carry a Colt Compact .45 ACP
Have any of you seen that video of that North Hollywood (I think) shootout, after a bank robbery? The one where there’s two guys in full body armor, with AK’s. That was pretty nuts. Do any of you own air guns? I’m 16, so I’ve owned plenty of those rather than real guns. The most I’ve had at once was 4 airguns…we used to have pellet gun wars all the time, but stopped after I shot my brother in the knuckle (we didnt wear any protective things, not even goggles…so I guess it was GOOD that my brother got shot in the knuckle before one of us got shot in the face)
[ This Message was edited by: Chris on 2002-05-17 13:34 ]
The police are there “to serve and protect” society as a whole…not to serve and protect every individual citizen.
Crime decrease is a documented fact in states that have a CCW (concealed carry weapon) law. Though in some big cities a short term spike in aholes killing one another may occur.
Did you know that Washington, D.C. is the per capita murder capital (HA!) of the U.S. L.A. usually comes in second, but last year it was Cincinnati, OH.
A SHORT ASIDE - You have no clue what kind of cp has gone on here (in Cincinnati) if all you know is what you get via the Liberal News Media.