What have I started! :)
There is a place and time for all types of rules. The dice give A&A that extra mysterious element. To limit that amount of luck would change the game similiar to chess, but still hold a large amount of strategy. I am not fond of luck type situations and introduced these proposed variants as a simplified method to rid the game of luck, if the players want it that way.
Jen, keep in mind that you want to stay away from charts as much as possible. Rules need to be as simple as possible to be effective. “taking a 10” rule would allow people to take the averages in some situations. Even the full blown No Luck variant is somewhat too complicated, but easy enough with practice. I would like to see a way to kill off extreme luck, but LL might be the best choice.
Switch, it is easy to call A&A simply a game, and you are completely correct. Unfortunately, some of us poor unfortunate souls have a certain disdain for luck. We realish the competition and do not mind being beaten by good strategy, but hate losing to luck. Over time, we learn to cut our losses and remember that not every game will be so unlucky. We also learn to not throw our chances to luck. As a matter of course, different players have different tolerarances to luck.
The major point of this thread is to think of a method that will be satisfying to a multitude of people without changing the game. Luck is an important aspect of war to vary the game. I like no luck only due to trying to test out new strategies that would not be possible overwise. Thanks for the interesting dialogue.