@bismarckable update: still looking, btw I also have a&a 1941 if Europe 1940 isn’t your thing
Looking for games in Virginia
Hi, my name is Jack. I am looking for face to face games, in or near Richmond Va. Near is within a 50 mile radius of Richmond. Yeah, I am getting desperate. I am currently playing Axis and Allies 1942 online, but excluding than Monopoly or Risk, I am up for anything.
@Draginfut Did you try triplea ? https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/17147/gargantua-s-k-i-s-s-triplea-instructions/30
You could join the League https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/30809/find-league-opponents-thread/1490
or play casual. It has a lot of games to choose from as well.
Ftf more fun for most but a larger player pool online obviously :)Hope you find a game :)
@Draginfut I’m in Lynchburg, but I’m super into Global 1940! I play with a buddy of mine who’s local about 4-5 times a year.
@bakerbei I could make it to Lynchburg for a game of Global 1940.
@barnee Thanks. I am working on getting started with your link. I have been playing 1942 online, but I miss face to face games.
@Draginfut cool if you have any trouble ask at the triplea thread https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/28/triplea-support
@bakerbei My email is jack16ft@gmail.com, if you email me, I give you my phone number.