Soviet Union
Basically the top three navies in the world (plus America’s insane industrial capabilities) against the most powerful land powers and an alliance that stretches from Bordeaux to Vladivostok and controlling most of Eurasia.
To switch the sides, you need to use the edit mode at the beginning.
The turn order for all powers remains the same.
All national objectives are eliminated.
Victory city counts at the beginning of the game:
6 cities
13 cities
Victory conditions (for TripleA, player enforced):
12 cities
19 cities
Whichever side controls the required cities for victory for their side first at the end of a French turn wins.
And yes, it means the British and French starting units in each other’s territory will be forced to engage in combat on the first turn. Due to the weird, unexplored rules of combat in such as scenario, in these two battles, and only these two battles, the attacker can take anti-aircraft artillery as casualties (anti-aircraft artillery still may not move during the combat move though). This only applies for these two battles.
1 French fighter is removed from London. If the British units in Paris are destroyed prior to France’s turn, France gets 4 infantry for free.
The Mongolia rule is still active. All other neutrals (true, pro-Allied, and pro-Axis) are pro-Armies neutrals, behaving as neutrals aligned to the Armies. Mongolia is not a pro-Armies neutral.
Japan’s Kamikaze rule is still active.
The Dutch rules stay the same (only British and ANZAC units can activate them).
Chinese movement restrictions stay the same. They can only move within original Chinese territories, Burma, and Kwangtung.
The turn order is still the same.
Balance changes (these additional rules have been added after playtesting and are mandatory unless otherwise noted):
Every Army power has 200% income. This means they collect double the amount of IPCs they would normally collect on their turn.
Keep in mind that this 200% only applies to income collected on that turn, not saved IPCs.
Optional rule:
In case the above balance change is too biased towards the Armies, keep all territories that were originally strict neutrals in the original game as strict neutrals. They operate under the same rules.
A map with all the rule changes implemented (no optional rule):
Armies vs Navies Base Map.tsvg
Keep in mind that if a power attacks a neutral territory it was aligned with in the out of box rules, you will need to use edit mode to change the units to have them fight, and if a power activates a neutral territory it wasn’t aligned with in out of box rules, you will have to use edit mode to make the infantry units be under the correct power.
Here’s a file with every rule implemented, no player enforcement necessary (also uses new units and a new map, with the optional rule):
Here’s a more radical set of rules, incompatible with TripleA: