@Black_Elk Philippines SZ Placing Nicely. NG as well lol
Screenshot from 2023-07-06 00-25-05.png
@VictoryFirst also if you have time to help on centers, Lower is Higher. So you need to subtract 160. It seems kinda counter intuitive to me lol because I think up is more not less lol
So should be able todo 2-4 per minute. Easy 150 per hour. I don’t know total, but gotta be less than 500. Even 100 per hour is still good production.
Obviously can just do a few at a time so ya don’t get fried lol
Finished mapping it out. I’ll work on gimp mode and centers for names next. Well try anyway lol. But I’ll run through with what I got here first.
Army Group =500 3 Rows of 2 and 2 of 3. Probably won’t need 10 different that often. Idk
Waff/Corps/DG =200 2 Rows of 2
PG/TG = 100 1 Row of 2
Overflow = 100 1 Row of 3 ( can combine for 200 = 6 etc…
LMs =100 Mined TTy BorderTTy LM = 3
D-Day 1 Box
Timetable 3 Boxes 600 Leftover
Here’s the order
Box 1 AG North Located Above Archangel
AG = 500
Waff = 200
Waff = 200
Box 2 AG Centre Located Above Norway
AG = 500
Waff = 200
PG = 100
PG = 100
Box 3 AG South Located Above 124 Sea Zone
AG = 500
Waff = 200
PG = 100
LM/Flow = 100
Box 4 Germany Located Above 122 Sea Zone
DG = 200
LM/Flow 700
Box 5 Russia Located Above Urals
AG = 500
Corps = 200
TG = 100
TG = 100
Box 6 Russia II Located Above Yenisey
AG = 500
Corps = 200
Corps = 200
Box 7 UK Located Above Greenland
LM/Flow = 600 ( start with G LMs/Flow )
TG = 100
DG = 200
Box 8 USA Located Above Alberta
TG = 100
TG = 100
DG = 200
AG = 500
Box 9 D-Day Located Above British Columbia
Box 10 Timetable 1940-Late 1941 Located Above Siberia
1940 = 200
L 40 = 200
1941 = 100
L 41 = 300
100 Leftover
Box 11 Timetable Eearly 1942-Late 1944 Located Above SFE
1942 = 200
L 42 = 200
1943 = 200
L 43 = 200
100 Leftover
Box 12
1944 = 200
L 44 = 100
600 = Leftover ( Could be used for border decoration ? ) 50 a Box or 100 every other ? All in one ?
Anyway, that’s what I got. Let me know if I missed anything
I guess go with Player color and then @Black_Elk could bust something eye pleasing out for the others ? :) Do the Decorations too :)
For Names there should be room to stick it in the middle. Can Place the Oberst/commisar lower right. Push everything to the corners.
Maybe Flow just roll at 200. Either way 100 wide and our Units are 76 on place. Should have plenty of room to move em around.
For that first russian Box, probably remove the AG and use that 500 for LMs. Put the AG in the first Timetable. Actually, move both AGs. Heaviest LM usage is on E Front, so can see em easily that way.
@Black_Elk just thought of something. If we have to move all the centers up 160 wouldn’t we have to move all the placements too ?
If so, we’ll just have to roll as is.
@VictoryFirst yea so were not gonna redo the centers. Were gonna roll with as is.
I removed the centers and polygons from the bottom. Looks like I need to remove the borders then redo the poly thing. See if I can get it to work this time :)
Ok I didn’t have any luck at removing the bottom ones, so I tried the polygrabber and got it to work this time
The Box was actually 923 so instead of overcrunching, I’m just gonna split the last two. All have to fix the first one when I figure out how to remove stuff.
@VictoryFirst while you’re making the tokens you wanna bust out some names ? Just match font as close as you can. We couldn’t find what bung used.
I’d do it like this for placement purposes
Center where you can
Now I’m having trouble with place picker. Doing same thing polygrabber was wtf
ok I finally pulled my head outta my ass and got it working. You’d think doing it every day for two months woulda made more of a lasting impression lol
So I’ll have to tweak placements so we can have the Oberst bottom left and AG Flag as well. That’s where the token will place when empty, but w/e :)
I thought we could get 3 rows but 2 is it. Crowding usually doesn’t work well and we got the room.
@VictoryFirst so we’ll just do the names all same line and stick in middle.
I’ll recrunch things and try and see how to remove stuff.
yea just gonna slot in 2 more spots for AG. Then they can fit there max
Found the eraser tool but it’s not working for me. I’m gonna start over and just roll AGs at 600
well got 600 up but it and 1st Panzer are placing together.
So guess i’ll try a redo lol.
Lines are pretty thin. Probably should boost em a bit. @Black_Elk did you go like 3 wide for borders ? Or is that a relief thing ?
hmm … not sure if i got it fixed or not.
@barnee I’ll regroup and double check lol
Hey I think I got it :)
lol reply is all over the place .
This is gonna work Awesome :)
heh heh :)
I guess maybe naming for room.
Idk If it flows over it … probably empty mostly or well early anyway. Just gotta roll I think :)
I’ll stop :)
for a few hours lol :)
early stages
@VictoryFirst it’s ok to have units bleed over name. Early game they’ll be empty anyway, and unless your Bad Ass @The-Captain Mode, that third Army Group is hard to come by :)
Sorry all nighter :)