Just saw a PBS Lerher News Report about little being done to restore The Big Stinky.
Hospitals/schools/nursing homes/daycare centers/restaurants/businesses and homes were flooded.
The city and state governments want folks to move back.
Why move back if the aforementioned aren’t able to handle the population there now.
Medical personnel, teachers, daycare/nursing home workers and other employees need jobs
The sewers don’t drain. The electrical grid has blackouts.
The system cannot fix it fast enough.
Mosquitos/dog packs/crime are problems.
The healthcare department and police cannot cope.
The National Guard still patrols the streets.
Wouldn’t it be better to flatten it and bury it all under layers of concrete/stone/gravel/and soil??
Make it a park.
Move Nawlins.
Or add more layers to those listed above to create pathways for sewers, power and water…
so that a new and better(and higher) New Orleans could rise from the mess?
And be a test case for future projects arising from future hurricanes.
Whatever happens it will take years, no, decades to complete and repopulate, as this is the first of it’s kind!
I did note that Ray Nagin’s “Chocolate Nawlins” is still asking for help from the state and federal government.