• Was fun! Very different system. Please keep in mind, we never actually got to see the rules. The author taught us to play and answered questions as they came up. We only got to play one turn.
    There will be a turn limit. The Axis have to conquer a certain number of cities to win and the Allies have to stop them. Resupply will be based on history. No random roles. The neatest thing was how movement and attack was handled IMO. You have supply depots that let you take actions in adjacent hexes. No supply? No move or attack. Trucks bring supply to the front and move them. We did not actually gte to do supply movement. Just using existing depots. You pull a supply off the depot to fuel the actions. So you expend it. Yes, you can attack supply depots and trucks.
    It’s hard to explain the combat without seeing it. Seeing it, it’s very intuative, though random. I will come back on later when time permits and explain it. In a nutshell losses are randomized between all the units on defense.
    The board was very pretty, as where the componets I saw. I did not get to see the bits. A buddy of mine got a pic though and I will try and post it somewhere. The Battleline markers are really neat. Make you feel like your looking at a progressing battle map. Neat idea IMO. I fully intend to buy it at this point, but that’s no big shock.

  • So it won’t be simply a matter of getting your troops in the right place but of also getting your supplies in the right place. Neat. Were there separate ammo and fuel? And please tell us about combat.

  • No. One token is for Fuel and Ammo. In reality the tokens matter because they “fuel” the actions. So you expend them to take actions like combat for instance. There is an arrow on the reverse side, so you can lay out your moves and where they apply. I am sorry, I should have written down everything. I remember that the different units have different numbers of dice, but I can’t remember the exacts. It was intuative. Infantry < Armor < Artilery as I recal. No planes where used. Dying to know how they play, but he would not get into that, other than to ask my specific question concerning air dropped supply. His answer was no air drops BTW. Trucks or nothing. Though he did not show us truck movement either. There was a line. I was just thrilled to get to try it really. I did not even know he was coming. GenCon always has those neat little suprises.

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